We would like you to re-create the following basket:
Here are some rough user stories for you to work to:
Basket-001 As a user I want to view my current basket So that I can see what I've added
Given I am on the basket page When I view the page Then I can see all added items and their cost
Basket-002 As a user I want to change the quantity of a basket item So that I can decide item totals before purchasing
Given I am on the basket page When I view the page Then I can see an item quantity next to each item
Given I am on the basket page When I view the page Then I can see each item's total cost (adjusted for quantity)
Given I am on the basket page When I change an item quantity Then the item's total cost is adjusted, in real-time
Basket-003 As a user I want to view my current basket total So that I can see what I'm going to have to pay
Given I am on the basket page When I view the page Then I can see a total cost, accounting for all items and quantities
Basket-004 As a user I want to remove all items from my basket So that I can start over
Given I am on the basket page When I click the "clear" button Then all items are reset to zero (but remain in the basket)
- Install Node, if you don't have it: https://nodejs.org/en
npm install
npm start
- Open up a browser and browse to http://localhost:8080