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fix CFA with more graph
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Eric-Song-Nop committed Jul 2, 2024
1 parent 7c21f14 commit f4b4b5d
Showing 1 changed file with 105 additions and 58 deletions.
163 changes: 105 additions & 58 deletions src/CFG-based-system.typ
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#import "./proof-tree.typ": *
#import "./vars.typ": *
#import "@preview/commute:0.2.0": node, arr, commutative-diagram
= CFG Based System

Basic rules for Uniqueness and Borrowing won't change here,
Expand All @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ The support for nested function call is alse missing is previous typing rules.
af &::= unique | shared \
beta &::= dot | borrowed \
p &::= x | p.f \
"TA" &::= "$"i := p, "TA for temp assignment" \
"TA" &::= "$"i := p, "$i for implicit registers" \
"F" &::= f("$"1: af beta, ..., "$"n: af beta): af \
"Join" &::= j \
Expand All @@ -30,29 +31,42 @@ The support for nested function call is alse missing is previous typing rules.
alpha &::= unique | shared | top \
beta &::= dot | borrowed \
Delta &::= dot | p : alpha beta, Delta \
Gamma &::= dot | i : Delta, Gamma
l &:== dot | (p | alpha beta , l) \
Gamma &::= dot | i : l, Gamma

Rules for CFA is defined on control flow graph, where edges are associated with contexts, and nodes for expressions or statements.

We follow the original lattice for control flow analysis.
#figure(image(width: 25%, "./img/lattice.svg"), caption: [Lattice in Control Flow Analysis])<CFA-lattice>

In Kotlin CFG, $"$"i = "eval" e$, is a common pattern that appears everywhere,
we distinguish this case with assignment statement and call this temp assignment.
We introduce an extra context $Gamma$ for CFA to track aliasing happening at temp assignment.
Notice that $Gamma$ is a list of aliasing information, as we might have multiple aliasing possibilities.
In Kotlin CFG, $"$"i = "eval" e$, is a common pattern that appears everywhere.
In #link("")[Kotlin specification],
the left hand side of such an assignment is an implicit register.
The best property of the implicit register is that it should be assigned only once, unless it appears in two disjoint branches across the whole CFG,
thus there is no need for us to track its scope, or care about update.
We distinguish this case with assignment statement and call this implicit assignment.
The implicit registers does not take the ownership of the value, but just store an aliasing information.
We introduce an extra context $Gamma$ for CFA to track aliasing happening at implicit assignment.
Notice that $Gamma$ is a list of aliasing information or uniqueness level, as we might have multiple aliasing possibilities from different branches of CFG.
Rule for CFA are as follows on different nodes in CFG that does not appear in the grammar.
#display-rules(row-size: 1,
axiom($Gamma'= i: (p, Delta(p), dot), Gamma$),
rule(label: "Temp assignment path", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "$"i := p tack.l Gamma', Delta$),
axiom($Gamma'= i: (p, dot), Gamma$),
rule(label: "implicit assign path", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "$"i := p tack.l Gamma', Delta$),
axiom($Gamma'= i:, Gamma(j), Gamma$),
rule(label: "Temp assignment temp", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "$"i := "$"j tack.l Gamma', Delta$),
rule(label: "implicit assign implicit", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "$"i := "$"j tack.l Gamma', Delta$),
axiom($Gamma'= i:, (alpha beta, dot), Gamma$),
rule(label: "implicit assign function call", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "$"i := f(...) alpha beta tack.l Gamma', Delta$),
axiom($forall i, j: exists p_i in Gamma("$"i) p_j in Gamma("$"j), p_i subset.sq p_j => (a_i^m = a_j^m = shared)$),
Expand All @@ -62,26 +76,43 @@ prooftree(
axiom($Delta' = "unify "Delta_1, Delta_2$),
axiom($Gamma' = "$2": Gamma_1("$2") lub' Gamma_2("$2")$),
rule(n:2, label: "join",
$Gamma_1, Delta_1, Gamma_2, Delta_2 tack.r "$result" = "$2" tack.l Gamma', Delta'$),
axiom($Gamma' = lub' Gamma_1, Gamma_2$),
axiom($Gamma'' = "$result": Gamma'("$2"), Gamma'$),
rule(n:3, label: "join",
$(Gamma_1, Delta_1) | (Gamma_2, Delta_2) tack.r "$result" = "$2" tack.l Gamma'', Delta'$),

=== Unification
Unification for full $Gamma$ is never needed, as all temp assignment variables are local.
$lub' Delta_1 Delta_2$ does pointwise $lub$, but *keep* $x: alpha_x beta_x$ if it appears in only one of $Delta_1$ or $Delta_2$.
node-padding: (50pt, 50pt),
node((0, 0), $I$),
node((1, 0), $L$),
node((1, 1), $R$),
node((2, 1), $"$result=$2"$),
node((3, 1), $O$),
arr($I$, $L$, $Gamma_0, Delta_0$),
arr($I$, $R$, $Gamma_0, Delta_0$),
arr($L$, (2,1), $Gamma_1, Delta_1$),
arr($R$, (2,1), $Gamma_2, Delta_2$),
arr((2,1), $O$, $Gamma'', Delta'$),

Unification for full $Gamma$ don't need to care about scope too much, as each implicit register is assigned only once.

$lub' Gamma_1 Gamma_2$ does pointwise $lub$, if both $Gamma_1("$i"), Gamma_2("$i")$ are uniqueness level,
otherwise, it concatenates the two lists $Gamma_1("$i"), Gamma_2("$i")$
but *keep* $x: alpha_x beta_x$ if it appears in only one of $Delta_1$ or $Delta_2$.

=== Normalization with $Gamma$ and $Delta$
axiom($Delta' = "normalize"(p_1: alpha_1 beta_1, ..., p_n: alpha_n beta_n)$),
rule(label: "N-Finish", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "normalize"'(p_1: alpha_1 beta_1, ..., p_n: alpha_n beta_n) = Delta'$)
rule(label: "N-finish", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "normalize"'(p_1: alpha_1 beta_1, ..., p_n: alpha_n beta_n) tack.r Gamma Delta'$)
axiom($Lub_(k in Gamma("$"i.p)) "normalize"'(p_1: alpha_1 beta_1, ..., k: alpha_1 beta_1, ..., "$"n: alpha_n beta_n)$),
rule(label: "N-rec", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "normalize'"(p_1: alpha_1 beta_1, ... "$"i: alpha_i beta_i, ... "$"n: alpha_n beta_n)$),
axiom($Delta' = Lub_(k in Gamma("$"i.p)) "normalize"'(p_1: alpha_1 beta_1, ..., k: alpha_1 beta_1, ..., "$"n: alpha_n beta_n)$),
rule(label: "N-rec", $Gamma, Delta tack.r "normalize'"(p_1: alpha_1 beta_1, ... "$"i: alpha_i beta_i, ... "$"n: alpha_n beta_n tack.r Gamma, Delta'$),

Expand All @@ -91,51 +122,67 @@ CFG for function call is represented first eval the arguments sequentially and t
Consider the following example:

fun use_f (x: Unique) {
fun l(x: b shared) shared
fun h(x: b shared) shared
fun g(x: b shared) shared
fun f(x: b shared, y: shared, z: shared, w: shared) shared
fun use_f (x: unique) {
f(x, g(h(x)), l(x), x)
node-padding: (50pt, 40pt),
node((0, 0), $I$),
node((1, 0), $"$1:=x"$),
node((2, 0), $"$2:=x"$),
node((3, 0), $"$3:=h($2)"$),
node((4, 0), $"$4:=g($3)"$),
node((5, 0), $"$5:=l($1)"$),
node((6, 0), $"$6:=x"$),
node((7, 0), $"$result:=f($1, $4, $5, $6)"$),
node((8, 0), $O$),
arr($I$, (1, 0), ${}_Gamma, {x:unique}_Delta$),
arr((1,0), (2, 0), ${"$1":x}_Gamma, {x:unique}_Delta$),
arr((2,0), (3, 0), ${"$2":x, "$1":x}_Gamma, {x:unique}_Delta$),
arr((3,0), (4, 0), ${"$3":shared, "$2":x, "$1":x}_Gamma, {x:unique}_Delta$),
arr((4,0), (5, 0), ${"$4":shared, "$3":shared, "$2":x, "$1":x}_Gamma, {x:unique}_Delta$),
arr((5,0), (6, 0), ${"$5":shared, "$4":shared, "$3":shared, "$2":x, "$1":x}_Gamma, {x:unique}_Delta$),
arr((6,0), (7, 0), ${"$6":x, "$5":shared, "$4":shared, "$3":shared, "$2":x, "$1":x}_Gamma, {x:unique}_Delta$),
arr((7,0), (8, 0), ${"$result":shared, "$6":x, "$5":shared, "$4":shared, "$3":shared, "$2":x, "$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:shared}_Delta$),

The CFG looks like:
$ &"$1" := x \
&-> "$2" := x -> "$3" := h("$2") -> "$4" := g("$3") \
&-> "$5" := x -> "$6" := l("$5") \
&-> "$7" := x \
&-> "$result" := f("$1", "$4", "$6", "7") $
Checking, unification(in terms of typing rule) and uniqueness update does not happen at assign stage, but on the function evaluation.
This tells that the sequence of nested functions affect the final result:
fun g1(x: b Unique)
fun g2(x: Unique)
fun f(x, y)
fun use_f(x: Unique) {
f (g1(x), g2(x)) // Ok
f (g2(x), g1(x)) // Fail
== Examples with multiple branches
fun f(x: Unique, y)
fun g(x: b Unique)
fun use_f(x: Unique) {
f(x, g(x))
fun f(x: unique): shared
fun use_f(x: unique, y: unique, z: shared) {
f(if (x) y else z)

The CFG for this will look like:
$ &"$1" := x \
&-> "$2" := x \
&-> "$3" := g("$2") \
&-> "$result" := f("$1", "$3") $

From our CFA, we have
$ & &{x: "Unique"} \
&"$1" := x &{x: "Unique", "$1": "Unique"} \
&-> "$2" := x &{x : "Unique", "$2": "Unique"} \
&-> "$3" := g("$2") &{x : "Unique", "$2": "Unique", "$3": bot}\
&-> "$result" := f("$1", "$3") &{x: top} $
== Examples with multiple branches
node-padding: (50pt, 50pt),
node((0, 1), $I$),
node((1, 1), $"$1:=x"$),
node((2, 1), "assume $1"),
node((1, 3), $""$),
node((2, 3), "assume !$1"),
node((3, 1), $"$2:=y"$),
node((3, 3), $"$2:=z"$),
node((4, 1), $"$3:=$2"$),
node((4, 3), $""$),
node((5, 1), $"$result:=f($3)"$),
node((6, 1), $O$),
arr(label-pos:right, $I$, (1, 1), ${}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr(label-pos:right, (1,1), (2, 1), ${"$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr(label-pos:right, (2,1), (3, 1), ${"$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr(label-pos:right, (3,1), (4, 1), ${"$2":y, "$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr((1,1), (1, 3), ""),
arr((1,3), (2, 3), ${"$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr((2,3), (3, 3), ${"$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr((3,3), (4, 3), ${"$2":z, "$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr((4,3), (4, 1), $$),
arr((4,1), (5, 1), ${"$3":[x, z], "$2":[x,z], "$1":x}_Gamma\ {x:unique, y:unique, z:shared}_Delta$),
arr((5,1), (6, 1), $"Error: $3 is " unique "or" shared ", while expected to be " unique$),

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