First, find your configuration folder.
Windows: <your home directory>\.WebIde<version>\config
Linux: ~\.WebIde<version>\config
MacOS: ~/Library/Preferences/WebIde<version>
On my linux, it would be ~/.WebIde70/config
so you have to adjust commands to your platform. There is a templates/
directory. It contains XML files with Live Templates.
Create a git repository in the templates/
dir and pull the templates
$ cd ~/.WebIde50/config/templates/
$ git init
$ git remote add origin git://
$ git pull origin master
If this wouldn't work, you should just backup your templates, clone the repo and merge them manually.
- Insert Live Template -
- Surround with Live Template -
Private, protected and public method
Constructor, that calls parent
Throw expression
Surround code with try {}
Surround code with output buffering
Surround statement with function call
Static function
variable within live template uses enum()
helper, so you can choose visibility easily
Nette component factory
Component factory with basic Form definition and signal handler
Render and action method
Inject method for Nette presenter
Startup method
Signal method of Nette PresenterComponent
Attached event on Nette component.
Code for including Nette\ObjectMixin into current class
Default empty test function for PhpUnit (todo: more)
Common pattern for creating jQuery modules