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Plankton: a RESTful API microframework


  • PHP >= 7.2
  • PHP cURL extension
  • Apache HTTP Server >= 2.4
  • Apache mod_rewrite enabled


composer require foxdie/rest

Table of content


Creating a client

use Plankton\Client\Client;
$client = new Client(API_ENDPOINT);

Full example here:

GET example

$response = $client->get("/users");

using callback

$client->get("/users", function(Response $response){
	echo $response;

using magic

$response = $client->getUsers();

POST example

$response = $client->post("/users", ["email" => "[email protected]"]);

using callback

$client->post("/users", ["email" => "[email protected]"], function(Response $response){
	echo $response->getLocation();

using magic

$response = $client->postUsers(["email" => "[email protected]"]);

PUT, PATCH and DELETE examples

Full example here:

Magic calls

Spinal case

If you want to use magic calls, your routes must use the spinal case Example:


will match the following route:

GET /user-accounts

camel case and snake case are not supported


call route
$client->getUsers(); GET /users
$client->groups(1)->getUsers(); GET /groups/1/users
$client->groups(1)->getUsers(2); GET /groups/1/users/2
$client->postUsers([]); POST /users
$client->groups(1)->postUsers([]); POST /groups/1/users
$client->deleteUsers(1); DELETE /users/1
$client->users(1)->delete(); DELETE /users/1
$client->groups(1)->deleteUsers(2); DELETE /groups/1/users/2
$client->groups(1)->users(2)->delete(); DELETE /groups/1/users/2
$client->groups(1)->users()->delete(2); DELETE /groups/1/users/2

Content types

When you are using magic calls (e.g. $client->postUsers([]);) or one of the methods Client::post(), Client::put(), Client::patch(), a Content-Type header is automatically added to the request. The Content-Type is automatically guessed according to the data you send to the server :

data type Content-Type
array application/x-www-form-urlencoded
object application/json
valid json string application/json
valid xml string application/xml
string text/plain

However, you still can set the Content-Type manually with a customized request

Custom request example

use Plankton\Client\Client;
use Plankton\Request;

$request = new Request(API_ENDPOINT . "/users");
    ->setParameter("foo", "bar")
    ->setHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0")
    ->setData(["email" => "[email protected]"]);

$client = new Client(API_ENDPOINT);
$client->send($request, function(Response $response){
    // ...

Automatic data conversion

For readability reasons, you can use arrays or objects with the Request::setData() method, regardless of the content-type you use. The data will be automatically converted according to the rules below :

Content-Type Data type Conversion
Request::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON array json string
Request::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON object json string
other array URL-encoded query string
other object URL-encoded query string

Authentication strategy

anonymous auth

$client = new Client(API_ENDPOINT);

basic auth

use Plankton\Client\Strategy\BasicAuthentication;

$client = new Client(API_ENDPOINT, new BasicAuthentication(USER, PASSWORD));

client credentials

use Plankton\Client\Strategy\ClientCredentialsAuthentication;

$client = new Client(API_ENDPOINT, new ClientCredentialsAuthentication(

The authorize and access/refresh token requests will be performed automatically. The 3rd parameter is optionnal, the default value is "/token"


Creating a server

use Plankton\Server\Server;

$server = new Server();

Full example here:

Creating controllers

You must create at least one controller which extends the abstract class Plankton\Server\Controller

use Plankton\Server\Controller;

class APIController extends Controller{
	public function getUsers(int $id, Request $request): Response{
	public function postUsers(Request $request): Response{

Your controller will contain one public method for each action of your API.

You can create routes in 2 different ways:

  • using a config file
  • using annotations

Using a config file

This will automatically disable the annotation parser. The routes are described in a YAML file

Example of config file
        path: /users/{id}
        method: GET
        controller: Test\Controller\APIController::getUser
        path: /users
        method: POST
        controller: Test\Controller\APIController::createUser

Full example here:

Configuring the server
use Plankton\Server\{Server, Config};

$server = new Server(new Config(CONFIG_PATH));

Full example here:

Using annotations

use Plankton\Server\Controller;

class APIController extends Controller{
	 * @Route(/users/{id})
	 * @Method(GET)
	public function getUser(int $id, Request $request): Response{
	 * @Route(/users)
	 * @Method(POST)
	public function createUser(Request $request): Response{

The routes will be created automatically according to the annotations @Route and @Method.

Full example here :

@Route annotation
  • accepts regular expresssions
  • accepts placeholders: they will be passed as argument in the same order as they appear
  • the spinal case is strongly recommended

You can add a route prefix to your controller:

 * @Route(/users)
class APIController extends Controller{
	 * @Route(/{id})
	 * @Method(GET)
	public function getUser(int $id, Request $request): Response{
	 * @Route(/)
	 * @Method(POST)
	public function createUser(Request $request): Response{
@Method annotation

Possible values are:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
@Exception annotation
class APIController extends Controller{
	 * This will catch any \CustomNameSpace\CustomException
	 * @Exception(CustomNameSpace\CustomException)
	public function catchCustomException(Exception $e, Request $request): Response{
	 * This will catch all other exceptions
	 * @Exception(*)
	public function catchException(Exception $e, Request $request): Response{

Registering controllers

use Plankton\Server\Server;

$server = new Server();
	->registerController(new APIController());

Full example here:

Creating middlewares

(this is optionnal) You must implement the Plankton\Server\Middleware interface. The middlewares can handle both incoming requests and outgoing responses.

use Plankton\Server\{Request, Response};
use Plankton\Server\{Middleware, RequestDispatcher};

class BasicAuthenticationMiddleware implements Middleware{
	public function process(Request $request, RequestDispatcher $dispatcher): Response{
		// ...
		return $dispatcher->process($request);

Full example here:

Registering the middlewares

use Plankton\Server\Server;

$server = new Server();
	->addMiddleware(new BasicAuthenticationMiddleware())
	->registerController(new APIController())


Client Credentials Grant


use Plankton\Client\Client;
use Plankton\Client\Strategy\ClientCredentialsAuthentication;
use Plankton\Response;

$client = new Client(API_ENDPOINT, new ClientCredentialsAuthentication(

Full example here:


use Plankton\Server\Server;
use OAuth2\Middleware\ClientCredentialsMiddleware;
use OAuth2\Provider\MemoryProvider;
use Test\Controller\APIController;

// Access Token provider
$provider = new MemoryProvider();
$provider->addClient(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);

$server = new Server();
	->addMiddleware(new ClientCredentialsMiddleware($provider))
	->registerController(new APIController())

Full example here:

Creating your own Access Token Provider

All you have to do is to implement the AccessTokenProvider interface:

use Plankton\OAuth2\Provider\AccessTokenProvider;
use Plankton\OAuth2\Token\{AccessToken, BearerToken};

class PDOProvider implements AccessTokenProvider{
	 * return a new/issued Access Token if you find a client matching the authentication parameters (id + secret)
	public function getAccessToken(string $client_id, string $client_secret): ?AccessToken{

	 * return a new Access Token if the Refresh Token is valid
	public function refreshToken(string $refreshToken): ?AccessToken{

	 * authorize or not the given Access Token
	public function isValidAccessToken(string $token): bool{


Client side

Simple logger

use Plankton\Logging\SimpleLogger;

$client->setLogger(new SimpleLogger());

// ... do some requests

foreach ($client->getLogger()->getLogs() as $request) {
	$response = $client->getLogger()->getLogs()[$request];

Full example here:

XML logger

use Plankton\Logging\XMLLogger;

$client->setLogger(new XMLLogger());

// ... do some requests

header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo $client->getLogger()->getLogs()->asXML();

Full example here:

Custom logger

You have to implement the Plankton\Request\Logger interface:

use Plankton\{Request,Response};
use Plankton\Request\Logger

class CustomLogger implements Logger{
	public function log(Request $request, Response $response = NULL): void{

Server side

You can easily log requests and responses by adding a middleware:

use Plankton\{Request,Response};
use Plankton\Server\{Middleware, RequestDispatcher};

class LogMiddleware implements Middleware{
	public function process(Request $request, RequestDispatcher $dispatcher): Response{		
		$response = $dispatcher->process($request);
		// log $request and $response here
		return $response

and then register the middleware(#registering-the-middlewares)

use Plankton\Server\Server;
use Test\Controller\APIController;
use Test\Middleware\LogMiddleware;

$server = new Server();
	->addMiddleware(new LogMiddleware())
	->registerController(new APIController())