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giter8 templates
Here are some templates maintained by the developers of the projects that are up to date.
- foundweekends/giter8.g8 (A template for Giter8 templates)
- scala/scala-seed.g8 (Seed template for Scala)
- scala/scala3.g8 (A template for Scala 3 projects)
- scala/scala3-cross.g8 (Scala 3 and Scala 2 cross-compiled sbt template)
- scala/hello-world.g8 (A minimal Scala application)
- scala/scalatest-example.g8 (A template for trying out ScalaTest)
- typelevel/ce3.g8 (A template for a Cats Effect 3 application)
- akka/akka-quickstart-scala.g8 (Akka Quickstart with Scala)
- akka/akka-quickstart-java.g8 (Akka Quickstart with Java)
- akka/akka-http-quickstart-scala.g8 (Akka HTTP Quickstart in Scala)
- akka/akka-http-quickstart-java.g8 (Akka HTTP Quickstart in Java)
- theiterators/pekko-http-quickstart-scala.g8 (Pekko Quickstart with Scala)
- theiterators/pekko-http-quickstart-java.g8 (Pekko Quickstart with Java)
- playframework/play-scala-seed.g8 (Play Scala Seed Template)
- playframework/play-java-seed.g8 (Play Java Seed template)
- lagom/lagom-scala.g8 (A Lagom Scala seed template for sbt)
- lagom/lagom-java.g8 (A Lagom Java seed template for sbt)
- scala-native/scala-native.g8 (Scala Native)
- portable-scala/sbt-crossproject.g8 (sbt-crosspoject)
- scalacenter/scalafix.g8 (Template to start with scalafix rewrite development)
- http4s/http4s.g8 (http4s services)
- unfiltered/unfiltered.g8 (Unfiltered application)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-netty.g8 (Unfiltered with Netty)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-war.g8 (Unfiltered template to use with servlet containers)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-scalate.g8 (Unfiltered with Scalate and Jetty)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-gae.g8 (Unfiltered with Google App Engine)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-oauth-server.g8 (Unfiltered OAuth server)
- unfiltered/unfiltered-oauth2-server.g8 (Unfiltered OAuth2 server)
- scalatra/scalatra.g8 (Basic Scalatra project template)
holdenk/sparkProjectTemplate.g8 (Template for Scala Apache Spark project).
osekoo/spark-scala.g8 (Create a Scala project with Apache Spark cluster (master + workers) and run application using docker ).
CodelyTV/scala-spark-skeleton.g8 (Template for creating a Scala project with Apache Spark, following idiomatic best practices and minimal dependencies).
- spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver.g8 (Template for Spark Jobserver)
- joescii/lift-ng.g8 (A template for getting off the ground with Scala, Lift, and AngularJS)
scalafx/scalafx.g8 (Creates a ScalaFX project with build support of sbt and dependencies.)
sfxcode/sapphire-sbt.g8 (Creates MVC ScalaFX App based on sapphire-core
- inkytonik/kiama.g8 (Kiama-based Scala projects)
- joost-de-vries/play-angular-typescript.g8 (Play Typescript Angular2 application)
- joost-de-vries/play-reactjs-typescript.g8 (Play Typescript ReactJs Typescript)
- ddanielbee/typescript-react.g8(React + Typescript application)
- UdashFramework/udash.g8 (Udash with configured Scala.js, Spring, Jetty and sbt-native-packager)
- gatling/gatling.g8 (Gatling performance test suite)
- earldouglas/xsbt-web-plugin.g8 (Seed Template for xsbt-web-plugin)
- bilal-fazlani/swiftbar4s.g8 (Template of creating a SwiftBar plugin using SwiftBar4s)
- softwaremill/tapir.g8 (Template for creating simple Tapir application with a Netty backend and upickle for JSON support)
Giter8 has been around since 2010, so some templates are fairly new while others are outdated. We've put last updated year on some of them (e.g. 2012).
- sbt/sbt-autoplugin.g8 (sbt 0.13.5+ AutoPlugin)
- akiomik/sbt-plugin.g8 (2013. A template for sbt plugins)
- ict-group/ict-play-template.g8 (A Play, Scalikejdbc, Swagger REST CRUD template)
- xuwei-k/play.g8 (Play project template for Scala users)
- guardian/scala-play.g8 (Play g8 template)
- lloydmeta/ctdi-play.g8 (Compile-time DI Play template. Includes test harnesses.)
- lloydmeta/slim-play.g8 (A slim Play app that is almost Sinatra-like.)
- muya/play-sbt-scala-seed.g8.g8 (Scala Play Framework template with SBT Layout)
- sameergarg/scala-play-macwire-reactivemongo.g8 (2014. Play 2.3, Scala, macwire and reactive mongo)
- tysonjh/playJavaBootstrap.g8 (2014. Play 2.2, Java, with Twitter Bootstrap)
- mbseid/play-mongo-securesocial.g8 (2013. Play 2.1 application. Comes rolled with Salat driver for MongoDB, and SecureSocial for authentication.)
- polentino/play-gradle-template.g8 2020 Play 2.6 template that will setup also Liquibase, H2/MySQL, Swagger-UI and, if enabled, also Typescript client API generation from swagger definition and inclusion in a simple Angular project to showcase its usage.
- orhanbalci/akka-http-microservice.g8 (Akka Http Microservice template)
- silvaren/akka-http.g8 (Akka HTTP microservice with easy start/stop controls)
- ScalaWilliam/akka-stream-kafka-template.g8 (Akka Streams and Kafka)
- shigemk2/minimal-akka-scala.g8 (very simple and minimal akka-scala template)
(A slimmer version of ymasory's sbt project with typesafe config, logback, scalatest and akka. Features a spray option via
g8 mhamrah/sbt -b spray
.) - cfeduke/akka-scala-sbt.g8 (2014. Akka 2.2, Scala)
- yannick-cw/elm-akka-http.g8 (Elm running on Akka-Http)
- liquidarmour/akka-http-docker.g8 (An Akka HTTP application ready to release and run in Docker)
- innFactory/bootstrap-akka-http.g8 (2017 A docker ready akka HTTP template with slick, in-memory postgres for tests, swagger-doc, swagger-ui, hickaricp, Flyway Migration and AWS Cognito Auth)
- innFactory/bootstrap-akka-graphql.g8 (2017 Like the http microservice template but with sangria graphql support)
- niqdev/akka-seed.g8 (2018 Akka HTTP template)
- Bunyod/akka-http-tapir.g8 (2019 Akka HTTP Swagger REST template. Libs: tapir, pureconfig, cats, circe, jwt, etc)
- imarios/frameless.g8 (A simple frameless template to start with more expressive types for Spark)
- tillrohrmann/flink-project.g8 (Flink project.)
- nttdata-oss/basic-spark-project.g8 (Spark basic project.)
- Daxten/bay-scalajs.g8 (A Scala.js template with scaffolding, postgres, scalajs-react and play-framework in the backen)
- vmunier/play-scalajs.g8 (Template to get started with Play and Scala.js)
- vmunier/akka-http-scalajs.g8 (Template to get started with Akka HTTP and Scala.js)
- VEINHORN/chrome-extension.g8 (Template to get started with Chrome API and Scala.js)
- dborisenko/scalajs-react-play-material-ui.g8 (Client-server application template with Scala.js, React, Material-UI and Play)
- dborisenko/scalajs-react-play-elemental-ui.g8 (Client-server application template with Scala.js, React, Elemental-UI and Play)
- shadaj/create-react-scala-app.g8 (Write React apps in Scala just like you would in ES6)
- Clover-Group/zio-template.g8 (A minimal ZIO application)
- Clover-Group/zio-cats.g8 (A minimal ZIO application with Cats integration)
- ScalaConsultants/zio-akka-quickstart.g8 (A basic Scala application build using ZIO, Akka HTTP and Slick)
- ScalaConsultants/zio-dotty-quickstart.g8 (A basic Dotty application build using ZIO)
- lachezar/zio-scala-3-project.g8 (A seed project that creates Scala 3 + ZIO 2 web service application)
- taisukeoe/android-pfn-app.g8 (Android project in Scala with pfn/android-sdk-plugin)
- aafa/rest-android-scala.g8 (sbt project for Android REST client based on Retrofit with Macroid and Robolectric for testing)
- ajhager/libgdx-sbt-project.g8 (2014. sbt project for developing Scala games using libGDX)
- chototsu/mmstemplandroid.g8 (2013. Template for MikMikuStudio(Android version).)
- gseitz/android-sbt-project.g8 (2011. sbt project for Android)
- xuwei-k/unfiltered-heroku.g8 (Unfiltered heroku)
- davececere/unfiltered-squeryl-war.g8 (2013. Full persistent REST api of a single resource. SBT, Scala, Unfiltered, Squeryl, .war build artifact)
- akollegger/unfiltered-neo4j-on-heroku.g8 (2012. Unfiltered, dispatch to Neo4j, host on Heroku)
- mindcandy/unfiltered-rest-gatling.g8 (2012 .sbt project for Unfiltered with Netty, Gatling load testing, and Specs2)
- softprops/unfiltered.g8 (2012. sbt project for Unfiltered with Jetty)
- chrislewis/unfiltered-gae.g8 (2011. sbt project for Unfiltered on Google App Engine)
- takezoe/scalatra-twirl.g8 (A web application using Scalatra with Twirl template)
- takezoe/scalatra-scalajs.g8 (A application using Scalatra and Scala.js)
- dkrieg/scalatra-angularjs-seed.g8 (2013. Template for web app with Scalatra, AngularJS, AngularUI-Boostrap, CoffeeScript, Less, Jasmine, Scala 2.10.0, sbt 0.12.2.)
- JanxSpirit/scalatra-mongodb.g8 (2012. A web application using Scalatra, Casbah and MongoDB - builds with SBT 0.11.x)
- jrevault/scalatra-squeryl.g8 (2012. sbt, Scalatra, Squeryl with usage samples, includes several plugins)
- eltimn/lift-mongo.g8 (Template to get a Lift-MongoDB webapp up and running quickly.)
- temon/griya-basic.g8 (A template for start your Lift project with Spec2)
- mads379/lift-blank.g8 (2012. Lift minimalistic project)
- CiaraOBrien/scala3-macro-defaults.g8 (A mildly opinionated Scala 3 defaults set, with an optional subproject for viewing compiler AST output without firehosing your terminal)
- aafa/bintray-sbt-template.g8 (A Bintray sbt project)
- anvie/multiproject.g8 (A multi project sbt)
- anvie/sbt-simple-project.g8 (A simple sbt build with a single project.)
- chriscoffey/multi-project.g8 (A multi-project build with packaging and dependencies)
- chrislewis/basic-project.g8 (Bootstrapped sbt project with simple configuration)
- DevInsideYou/cat.g8 (Clean Architecture Template)
- DevInsideYou/scala-seed.g8 (Scala seed)
- DevInsideYou/scala3-seed.g8 (Scala3 seed)
- djspiewak/base.g8 (My cool template)
- fayimora/basic-scala-project.g8 (A simple Scala project with ScalaTest.)
- ferhtaydn/sbt-skeleton.g8 (A simple sbt Scala project with ScalaTest and ScalaCheck.)
- harshad-deo/sbtbase.g8 (sbt project with linting, code formatting and a few useful plugins)
- j5ik2o/sbt-with-scalafmt.g8 (sbt with Scalafmt)
- kurochan/java-seed.g8 (A simple hello world app in Java.)
- lewismj/sbt-project.g8 (Modern Scala 2.12 project template, incorporates tut, microsites and default layout, 'core', 'tests', 'doc' etc...)
- lewismj/sbt-template.g8 (Multi-module project with application (Scala 2.12, no use of Build.scala))
- lloydmeta/seed-scala.g8 (Scala skeleton project w/ Scalatest, DocTest, Scalafmt, Wartremover, Coursier and scalac options configured)
- pmandera/basic-scala-project.g8 (Simple scala project. Fork of fayimora/basic-scala-project.g8 using specs2 instead of ScalaTest.)
- rlazoti/scala-sbt.g8 (An app with ScalaTest, Scala 2.10.2, sbt 0.12.3, sbt-eclipse and sbt-package-dist plugins.)
- kasured/scala-sbt.g8(Giter8 template ships with Scala, SBT, Scalatest, Scala Logging and Cats Core. Package name and versions go with the sensible default values)
- adinapoli/sbt-revolver.g8 (2012. Generic sbt project with sbt-revolver)
- akiomik/scala-migrations.g8 (2013. A template for sbt projects using scala-migrations.)
- ctranxuan/sbt-multi-modules.g8 (2013. A template for sbt multi-modules project)
- joescii/scala-oss.g8 (2014. A template for creating an open-source Scala project.)
- ymasory/sbt-code-quality.g8 (2013. CheckStyle and PMD for Java projects)
- ymasory/sbt.g8 (2013. Generic sbt project for projects using GitHub)
- elbaulp/elbaulp-scala.g8 (Simple Scala project with Property Checks, ScalaTest and log4j)
- jokade/scalanative-cocoa-seed.g8 (Template for Cocoa projects with scala-native)
- adinapoli/scalaz-revolver.g8 (Generic sbt project with scalaz 7 and sbt-revolver)
- bneil/finch-skeleton.g8 (A project that centers on finagle/finch using circe, scalaz, scalacheck and shapeless)
- bsamaripa/http4s.g8 (A simple http4s template)
- edinhodzic/kyriakos-rest-micro-service-spray.g8 (REST CRUD microservice based on Sbt, Spray, MongoDb, Kamon metrics)
- guardian/lambda-scala-boilerplate.g8 (Scala AWS lambda g8 template)
- jimschubert/finatra.g8 (A simple Finatra 2.5 template with sbt-revolver and sbt-native-packager)
- joescii/presentera.g8 (A template for making awesome presentations with Presentera)
- jmhofer/scalatron-bot.g8 (A template for Scalatron bots.)
- julien-truffaut/presentation.g8 (A template using tut and remark.js)
- mefellows/respite-sbt.g8 (sbt project for the Respite REST micro-framework)
- polymorphic/gatling-simulation-template.g8 (Gatling simulations)
- ripla/vaadin-scala.g8 (Template to easily get started with a Scala Vaadin project using the Scaladin add-on.)
- anvie/spray-rest-sbt-0.11.2.g8 (2012. sbt template for Spray Rest sbt 0.11.2 included eclipse and idea plugins.)
- chototsu/mmstempl.g8 (2013. Template for MikMikuStudio.)
- codesolid/cassandra.g8 (2014. giter8 project featuring Cassandra in a simple ScalaTest project, with TypeSafe configuration)
- exu/phalcon.g8.git (2012. CPhalcon basic template)
- gfrison/proto-app.g8 (2013. Archetype of any Java or Groovy standalone application based on Spring (Grails DSL) and Gradle)
- giTorto/template-openRefine-extension.g8 (2014. Template to easily get started with an OpenRefine extension.)
- jackywyz/sbtweb-app.g8 (2014. sbt web project basic template)
- jeffling/sbt-finagle.g8 (2013. Finagle Thrift template (with scrooge) with subprojects for the interface and server for easy deploying and publishing.)
- jimschubert/finatra-app.g8 (2014. A template for a Finatra 1.5.3 Application using the bower/Bootstrap template provided by Finatra)
- jrudolph/scalac-plugin.g8 (2012. sbt project for Scala Compiler Plugins)
- marceloemanoel/gradle-plugin-template.g8 (2013. Gradle plugin template with info for deploying to Maven Central.)
- matlockx/simple-gradle-scala.g8 (2013. A Scala project with Gradle and Heroku support.)
- mesosphere/scala-sbt-mesos-framework.g8 (2014. A bare-bones Apache Mesos framework project in Scala.)
- n8han/giter8.g8 (2014. sbt project for new giter8 templates)
- non/caliper.g8 (2013. Template for writing micro-benchmarks using Caliper.)
- omphe/ansible_project.g8 (2014. A template for Ansible projects according to best-practice directory layouts)
- omphe/cr_scala_cli.g8 (2014. Simple Scala CLI app template with Scallop option handling)
- philcali/lwjgl-project.g8 (2012. sbt project with LWJGL integration)
- semberal/slick-sbt-project.g8 (2014. A template for Slick database access library with BoneCP connection pool and Typesafe config)
- Jannyboy11/ScalaDemoPlugin.g8 (2018. A template for Bukkit plugins in Scala)
- softprops/chrome-plugin.g8 (2012. Google Chrome Plugin g8 template)
- tboloo/scala-jna-project.g8 (2014. A sample scala project for accessing native libraries with JNA)
- tysonjh/scalaMacro.g8 (2014. A template for Scala Macros using the Macro Paradise plugin.)
- tysonjh/sprayTwirlTemplate.g8 (2014. A template for spray-can with twirl, templating, assembly, revolver (Scala))
- spotify/scio.g8 (2017. A template for Scio)
- yarenty/h2o-spark-seed.g8 (2017. Starting template for Sparkling-Water(H2O) Machine Learning framework on Spark (Scala))
- yarenty/tensorflow-scala-seed.g8 (2017. Template for production like project of Tensorflow using scala.)
- Biacco42/scala-jfx-jre-pack.g8 (2020. A template for OpenJFX. This also includes a release command that builds a package composed of your application jar, minimized JRE, and launch script.)
- tonykoval/nifi-scala-bundle.g8 (2020. A template for generating a new Scala NiFi processor bundle)
- jeigrei/processing.g8 (2020. A template for quickly generating Processing sketches for use with Scala)
- justinhj/fp-starter-pack.g8 (A template for Cats, Zio, Monix and Fs2 setup + ammonite REPL)
- disneystreaming/smithy4s.g8 A template for http4s services backed by smithy4s
Searching GitHub with g8 as keyword, you can discover interesting templates.