Tilkynna is an enterprise grade, utility-style report server wrapper written in Java.
Taking it out for a spin in 5-10 minutes:
This example uses:
- curl (a handy command line client to do HTTP requests) and
- jq (a nice command line JSON processor)
- sftp: sftp cli must be installed on the host to obtain the generated report from the SFTP destination server.
- docker: docker must be installed on the host.
- docker-compose: docker-compose must be installed on the host.
- Clone Github repo:
git clone [email protected]:GrindrodBank/tilkynna.git
- Run using docker-compose:
cd tilkynna
cd quickstart/docker-compose
docker-compose -p tilkynna up
4 services are installed:
- The actual Tilkynna reporting service installed on port 9981PostgreSQL
Database installed on port 5432Keycloak
Authentication service installed on port 9191 and can be accessed by going to http://localhost:9191SFTP
- An SFTP server running on port 2222
- Password: postgres
- Database: tilkynna
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Username: foo
Password: pass
Get an authentication token in order to get API access:
TOKEN=`curl \
-s \
-X POST http://localhost:9191/auth/realms/Tilkynna/protocol/openid-connect/token \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Bearer-Token: 575c92bb-33fe-45b8-85ef-7cc5710e62eb' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d 'grant_type=password&username=test-user&password=test-user&client_id=tilkynna&client_secret=ee5c1c57-bf2f-43e6-9025-49344113c88d' \
| jq '.access_token' -r` \
&& echo "TOKEN is: $TOKEN"
- Create a data source We use the Tilkynna database for this sample report. TilkynnaDB_Datasource
POSTGRES_HOST=`docker inspect -f '{{ range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' tilkynna_postgresql_1` \
&& DATASOURCE=`curl -s -X POST \
http://localhost:9981/datasources \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "cache-control: no-cache" \
-d '{
"name": "stores",
"description": "stores",
"connection": {
"driver": "org.postgresql.Driver",
"url": "'"jdbc:postgresql://$POSTGRES_HOST:5432/tilkynna"'",
"username": "postgres",
"password": "postgres"
}' | jq '.header.id' -r` \
- Validate the data source
curl -s -v -X PUT \
http://localhost:9981/datasources/$DATASOURCE/validate \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "cache-control: no-cache" \
-d '{
"driver": "org.postgresql.Driver",
"url": "'"jdbc:postgresql://$POSTGRES_HOST:5432/tilkynna"'",
"username": "postgres",
"password": "postgres"
- Upload a report template: This uses the sample report available in the postman testing collection:
TEMPLATE=`curl -s -X POST \
http://localhost:9981/templates \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-H "cache-control: no-cache" \
-H "content-type: multipart/form-data" \
-F file=@../../postman/tilkynna_sample_report.rptdesign \
-F "templateName=Sample" \
-F "tags=Sample, NoParams" \
-F "datasourceIds=$DATASOURCE" | jq '.templateId' -r` \
&& echo "TEMPLATE is: $TEMPLATE"
- Create an SFTP report destination
Note: The SFTP server is running as a container. Run the following command to determine it's host.
SFTP_HOST=`docker inspect -f '{{ range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' tilkynna_sftp_1` \
&& DESTINATION_ID=`curl -s -X POST \
http://localhost:9981/destinations \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d '{
"destinationType": "SFTP",
"host": "'"$SFTP_HOST"'",
"port": "22",
"path" : "/upload",
"user": "foo",
"password": "pass",
"header": {
"name": "SFTP server",
"description": "our shared sftp server",
"securityProtocol": "ssl",
"timeout": "100000",
"downloadable": "false"
}' | jq '.header.id' -r` \
- Generate a report
http://localhost:9981/templates/$TEMPLATE/generate \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "cache-control: no-cache" \
-d '{
"callbackUrl": "https://myserver.com/notification/callback/here",
"doNotRetry": "false",
"exportFormat": "PDF",
"reportParameters": [
"name": "DestinationType",
"value": "SFTP"
"destinationOptions": {
"destinationId": "'"$DESTINATION_ID"'",
"destinationParameters": [
"name": "path",
"value": "sub_folder"
}' | jq '.correlationId' -r` \
- Check Status of Report Generation
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:9981/reports/$CORRELATION_ID/status \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache'
- The report can be retrieved using SFTP
If you have sshpass
installed you can use
sshpass -p pass sftp -P 2222 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no foo@localhost:/upload/sub_folder/$CORRELATION_ID.PDF
sftp -P 2222 foo@localhost:/upload/sub_folder/
Login credential will be pass
then in the SFTP prompt tpe the following to list files:
Then download the desired file using
get <file-name>
Exit the SFTP session using:
- To undeploy everything:
docker-compose -p tilkynna down
A Tilkynna Quickstart.postman_collection.json
Postman collection has been included within the postman
folder. This collection is intended for exploring the Tilkynna API. There is also a Tilkynna.postman_environment.json
Postman environment that can be used to interact with the
Tilkynna instance deployed using the docker-compose
method in the Quickstart above.
All project documentation is currently available within the /doc