This project is to test my python skills and to create something with the things I learned from school.
It is still a work in progress.
Currently this program could create a random BINGO card and can simulate a BINGO game.
- Improving this README file
- Way to make a custom BINGO Card taking from user input
- User interacting with BINGO game
- Create a Graphical Interface for the BINGO card
- Creating more and random patterns to win BINGO game
- Breaking some methods into smaller method (Make sure that a method only does one specific task)
- Decide a direction of where I want to take this BINGO project (detailed roadmap)
- Use LinkedList for predetermine numbers that are going to be called on the BINGO game
- Add specific issues on github and close ticket through gitbash
- Use branches and merge to do project progress
- Improve documentation of project (missing explanations, vague descriptions