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d64cb8c · Mar 17, 2025


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Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025
Mar 17, 2025

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Awesome Autopilot

The begining of something great.


To run the project, you need to have the following environment variables set:


Please copy the .env.example file to .env and set the environment variables and update the variables accordingly.

Then install the dependencies by running the following command:

npm install

Apply changes to the App at Fonoster

To apply changes to the App at Fonoster, you can use the following command:

npm run applyAppConfig

This will look at the appConfig.yaml file and apply the changes to the App at Fonoster.

Create a call

To create a call, you can use the following command:

npm run createCall

This will create a call to the number specified in the AWESOME_TO_NUMBER environment variable.

Run the events server

To run the events server, you can use the following command:

npm run start:eventsServer

If your eventsHook is set you will receive events from Fonoster including the chat history which will look like this:

  eventType: 'conversation.ended',
  chatHistory: [
      ai: "Hello, I'm the Awesome Autopilot, how can I help you today?"
    { human: 'trying to find out what the meaning of life' },
    { ai: "Before we dive into that, what's your name?" },
    { human: 'My name is John Doe' },
      ai: 'Hello John Doe. Life is a journey of love, laughter, and learning. Anything else I can help you with?'
    { human: 'No that is all' },
    { ai: 'Thank you for your time. Have a great day!' }

This will start the events server on port 3000. You will also need to run Ngrok to expose the events server to the internet. You can do this by running the following command:

ngrok http 3000

This will expose the events server to the internet and you can use the URL returned by Ngrok to test the events server.

Run the test cases

Firt, make sure to set the apiKey for the language model and the evals provider in the appConfig.yaml file.

Then, you use the following command to run the test cases:

fonoster utils:autopilotTestsCases -f appConfig.yaml

Your output should be similar to the following:

Scenario: test-case-1
Overall Passed: ✔
│ Step │ Human Input                │ Expected                   │ AI Response                │ Tool Calls │ Passed │
│ 1    │ I want to learn about the  │ Ok, but first, what's your │ Before we dive into that,  │            │ ✔      │
│      │ meaning of life.           │ name?                      │ what's your name?          │            │        │
│ 2    │ My name is John Doe.       │ Great to meet you John     │ Hello John Doe. Life is a  │            │ ✔      │
│      │                            │ Doe. Life is a journey of  │ journey of love, laughter, │            │        │
│      │                            │ love, laughter, and        │ and learning. Is there     │            │        │
│      │                            │ learning. Anything else I  │ anything else I can help   │            │        │
│      │                            │ can help you with?         │ you with?                  │            │        │
│ 3    │ No, that's all.            │ Thank you for your time.   │ Thank you so much, bye!    │ hangup()   │ ✔      │
│      │                            │ Have a great day!          │                            │            │        │


Fonoster Awesome Autopilot (Example)






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