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WCB, the Bootstrapper and Apache docker container for Winter CMS

wcb is a command line tool and a docker container that enables you to reconstruct an Winter CMS installation from a single configuration file and run it in place.

It can be used to quickly bootstrap a local development environment for a project.


wcb is a fork of ocb which is a fork of OFFLINE-GmbH/oc-bootstrapper.

oc-bootstrap's october.yaml is compatible with wcb's winter-cms.yaml. No changes required.

The docker container is build on top of aspendigital/docker-octobercms.



  • Installs and updates private and public plugins (via Git or Marketplace)
  • Makes sure only necessary files are in your git repo by intelligently managing your .gitignore file
  • Built in support for GitLab CI deployments
  • Built in support for shared configuration file templates
  • Sets sensible configuration defaults using .env files for production and development environments
  • Enable to seed/migrate database and storage folder


  • Runs wcb in docker container
  • Automatic install/update/seed the project during startup of the container
  • Makes sure that everything inside of WinterCMS is in a correct state, and if not it reports you back.

Docker image

An official Docker image that bundles wcb, composer and Envoy is available on as foersterwerbung/wcb.



You can find some examples in the examples folder.

1. Create a docker-compose.yaml file in your project root:

version: '2.2'
    image: foersterwerbung/wcb:latest
      - 80:80
      - WCB_INSTALL=true
      - mysql
      - "./:/var/www/html"

    image: mysql:5.7
      - 3306:3306
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=wintercms
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=wintercms

2. Start the web container.

In your project directory you'll find an winter-cms.yaml file. Edit its contents.

Simply add a theme name and your ready to go.

Start the web container again. Check the output of the container to see whats happening.

If WCB_INSTALL=true is set, it will download a fresh copy of Winter Cms. It will also install the defined plugins and themes that you have configured in your winter-cms.yaml.

After the init phase, an apache server runs in the foreground.


Theme and Plugin syntax

wcb enables you to install plugins and themes from your own git repo. Simply append your repo's address in () to tell wcb to check it out for you. If no repo is defined the plugins are loaded from the Winter Marketplace.


# Install a plugin from the official Winter Marketplace
- Offline.Mall 

# Install a plugin from a git repository. The plugin will be cloned
# into your local repository and become part of it. You can change the
# plugin and modify it to your needs. It won't be checked out again (no updates).
- Offline.Mall (

# The ^ marks this plugin as updateable. It will be removed and checked out again
# during each call to `winter install`. Local changes will be overwritten.
# This plugin will stay up to date with the changes of your original plugin repo.
- ^Offline.Mall (

# Install a specific branch of a plugin. Keep it up-to-date.
- ^Offline.Mall (

Project seeding

You can seed a project with

wcb seed

You have to set a database or a storage folder that should be applied.

    database: dev/migrations
    storage: dev/storage

It executes all .sql files in the database folder and copies the storage folder into the current project root

You can set

      - WCB_SEED=true

to apply the odb seed command once during the init phase.

Scheduler and Queues

To enable a scheduler for Winter CMS just add WCB_CRON=true to your docker-composer.yaml file.

      - WCB_CRON=true

Make sure that your commands configured in the Plugin.php

class Plugin extends PluginBase {

   public function registerSchedule($schedule)
       $schedule->command('queue:work --tries=25 --once')->everyMinute();

Variables for the container

Following environment variables can be used from docker-octobercms.

Do not use the Winter CMS app environment config from docker-octobercms since the project is init and handled by wcb.

WCB Variables

Variable Default Action
WCB_INSTALL false true installs winter cms and dependencies during the first startup.
WCB_SEED false true executes wcb seed during the startup once.
WCB_CRON false true starts a cron process within the container which enables the scheduler for Winter CMS

Docker Winter CMS Variables

Variable Default Action
ENABLE_CRON false use WCB_CRON instead
FWD_REMOTE_IP false true enables remote IP forwarding from proxy (Apache)
GIT_CHECKOUT Checkout branch, tag, commit within the container. Runs git checkout $GIT_CHECKOUT
GIT_MERGE_PR Pass GitHub pull request number to merge PR within the container for testing
INIT_OCTOBER false true runs october up on container start
INIT_PLUGINS false true runs composer install in plugins folders where no 'vendor' folder exists. force runs composer install regardless. Helpful when using git submodules for plugins.
PHP_DISPLAY_ERRORS off Override value for display_errors in docker-oc-php.ini
PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT 128M Override value for memory_limit in docker-oc-php.ini
PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE 32M Override value for post_max_size in docker-oc-php.ini
PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE 32M Override value for upload_max_filesize in docker-oc-php.ini
UNIT_TEST true runs all Winter CMS unit tests. Pass test filename to run a specific test.
VERSION_INFO false true outputs container current commit, php version, and dependency info on start
XDEBUG_ENABLE false true enables the Xdebug PHP extension
XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST host.docker.internal Override value for xdebug.remote_host in docker-xdebug-php.ini

Install additional plugins

If at any point in time you need to install additional plugins, simply add them to your winter-cms.yaml and re-run wcb install. Missing plugins will be installed.

You can also restart the container.

Update Winter CMS

If you want to update the installation you can run

wcb update

Push changes to remote git repo

To push local changes to the current git remote run

wcb push

Files that should be tracked with git

This is the minimal set that you need for your team:


If you have custom plugins or themes with migrations and storage folder:


with this .gitignore:



  • Deployments
  • wcb as composer binary that can be used outside of this docker container.