Telegram Remote-Shell is a python script that allows to comunicate to your Linux server via Telegram API (with bots).
UPDATE: Hey, there is a remake in go of the same Python script in Golang here
- Linux System
- Bot created from @BotFather via Telegram
- Software Packages: python-pip (to install telepot) & basic linux tools like nmap,dig,mtr (optional)
The setup is quite easy:
Chat with BotFather to create a Bot ( ), just launch the command /newbot to get your Telegram Token.
Open the bot chat and send some messages to activate the bot. -
Launch this command on your Linux system:
cd /home && git clone && cd trsh && bash
WARNING: this command will install the required/missing packages ( supervisor, dnsutils, python-pip, python, nmap, mtr, pip-telepot )
You will be asked to insert your Telegram Bot Token aquired on the first step.
The script will guess your Sender-id based on the messages you send on the first step.
If you cannot figure out how to find your Sender-id manually launch the script from commandline and you will get a raw output containing chat_id,sender_id,username,type
After you finished the installation the python script will run as a system service with supervisor.
- /ping - Tests connectivity
- /dig - Resolve the given domain, supports RR.. example /dig A or /dig MX
- /mtr - Execute a mtr with a following report
- /nmap - Execute a nmap -Pn -A
- /curl - Execute a curl request
- /whois - Whois lookup
- /sysinfo - Display generic system information (disk usage, network & memory)
- /sh - Execute a command with Bash.. example /sh cat namefile , /sh ps auxf | grep ssh
The following scripts are being tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Raspian Jessie and marked as working.
Feel free to open issues or send me an email
Code distributed under MIT licence.