This is a browser-based remake of the classic Nokia's Snake II, the best snake game ever, written in TypeScript and using state machines to manage the game logic.
I wrote this game to study and practice XState and state machines in my spare time.
First of all, make sure you have NodeJS and Yarn installed.
(you can use npm instead of yarn if you prefer)
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Navigate into the directory
cd snake-machine
# Install dependencies
# Start the development server on port 3000
yarn dev
- XState for state management and game logic
- Canvas API to render the game
- Vite to create the development server and build
- Vercel to deploy
This game is under development and any contribution is welcome!
- Add mazes
- Add speed config
- Add screen buttons to play the game on mobile devices
- Refactor
- Improve typing definition
- Write a documentation
I'm Felipe Lima and you can contact me through my LinkedIn.