The Scaleph project features data integration, develop, job schedule and orchestration and aims to run on cloud environment.
It trys to provide one-stop data platform for simplifying development of data application. Scaleph hopes to help peoples to aggregate and analyze data, free data internal worth and make profit from them.
Scaleph is driven by personal interest and evolves actively through faithful developer, flowerfine is open and appreciates any helps.
Data Integration
Web-ui click-and-drag data integration ways backended by Apache SeaTunnel on Flink engine.
Support the latest 2.3.8 V2 out-of-the-box connectors and transforms.
DataSource management.
Data Development
- Jar. User develops Flink job using DataStream or Table API and package it as a jar.
- SQL. Support online Flink SQL editor backended by Flink SQL Gateway.
Data Warehouse
- Doris. Support Doris Cluster management on Kubernetes backended by doris-operator.
- Kubernetes. Manage Flink through Flink Kubernetes Operator and Doris through doris-operator.
Learn more about Scaleph at
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct
For contributions, please refer CONTRIBUTING
Thanks for all people who already contributed to Scaleph!
Bugs and Features: Issues
Chinese user:
Thanks to JetBrains for supporting us free open source licenses.
Scaleph is licenced under the Apache License Version 2.0, link is here.