Graciously borrowed all the snippets from the TextMate bundle for Elixir and refactored them to work with VS Code.
prefix | description |
case | case |
cond | cond |
def | def |
df | def (one line) |
defc | defcallback |
defd | defdelegate |
defe | defexception |
defi | defimpl |
dmod | defmodule |
defmc | defmacrocallback |
defmp | defmacrop |
describe | describe ".." do .. |
dmac | defmacro |
defp | defp |
defpro | defprotocol |
defs | defstruct |
do | do |
doc | doc |
ee | embed_eex |
ok | {:ok, ..} ... |
err | {:error, ..} ... |
oke | {:ok, ..} = ... |
erre | {:error, ..} = ... |
trc | try do catch |
exu, ex_unit | ExUnit template |
trr | try do rescue (everything!) |
fn | fn |
for | for |
fori | for into |
if | if |
ife | if else |
ife: | if else (one line) |
if: | if (one line) |
imp | import |
i | inspect |
ii | IO.inspect |
iib | IO.inspect(binding(), module:line) |
iil | IO.inspect(label: ..) |
iill | IO.inspect with label incl. the line number |
iins | IO.inspect with a label containing relative path and line number. Label string can easily be discarded |
ist | IO.inspect the current stacktrace |
iip | pipe to IO.inspect(module:line) |
ip | IO.puts( ..) |
p | the pipeline operator |
pry | IEx.pry |
% | map/struct |
mdoc | moduledoc |
mfs | map from struct |
mp | Map.put/3 - puts the given value under key in map |
mpn | Map.put_new/3 - puts the given value under key unless the entry key already exists in map |
msan | sanitize a Map by dropping some of its keys |
pe | print_eex |
rec | receive |
req | require |
test | test ".." do .. |
testc | test "..", %{..} do .. |
unless | unless |
unlesse | unless else |
unlesse: | unless else (one line) |
unless: | unless (one line) |
supervisor | OTP Supervisor module |
gen_server | OTP GenServer module |
dynamic_supervisor | Elixir DynamicSupervisor module |
wt | with .. do .. |
wte | with .. do .. else .. |
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Or if you want to contribute with updates:
git clone
And copy the vscode-elixir-snippets
folder into the <user home>/.vscode/extensions
folder. Restart Code.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Florin T. PATRASCU