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A simple Custom Card for Home Assistant to toggle switches, lights & more!

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Homekit Button

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Homekit Button

A simple Custom Card for Home Assistant to toggle switches, lights & more! This card focuses on ease of configuration and stability.

To use this card, it is highly recommended to place it inside a grid or stack in order to achieve the sizing to which this card is optimized for.


  • Stability! 🦾
  • Clean Design (Fits well with HA design-language) ✨
  • Ui Editor 🚀
  • Custom Dialog with configurable cards ⚡️


  1. Before starting, make sure, advanced mode is enabled in your user profile (click on your user avatar in the sidebar to enable it). Also make sure you have HACS installed.
  2. Navigate to HACS
  3. Go to "Frontend"
  4. Click the ⠇button in the top right corner and select "Custom Repositories"
  5. Copy this Repo's link (
  6. Under "Category", select "Frontend"
  7. The card should now be found and able to be easily installed through the UI 🥳

UI Editor

This card features a fully featured UI Editor (except open-dialog action), so in most cases you won't need to edit any YAML.

UI Editor


To start using this card, you can simply create a new Card in your Lovelace dashboard and select "HomeKit Button" in the card type picker.

This card features an (almost) fully functional UI Editor, so in most cases you won't need to edit any YAML.

The following options are available from the YAML configuration.

Option Default Required Description
entity undefined The main entity to be displayed.
name Name of the entity The name to be shown for the card.
icon Icon of the entity The icon to be shown in the card.
show_state true Wether to show the "On" / "Off" Labels in the card.
active_color var(--state-light-on-color) A css recognisable color (HEX, Color Name or variable) to change the icon to when the entity is in its active state.
tap_action more-info The action to call when tapping the card. See Action Object for more info.
hold_action more-info The action to call when holding the card. See Action Object for more info.
double_tap_action more-info The action to call when double-tapping the card. See Action Object for more info.
title none The title to show above the card (not recommended).
secondary none The secondary text to show next to the state. See Secondary for more info.
state_label none Override the state label. See State Label for more info.

Action Object

The action object is a simple object that can be used to call different actions when interacting with the card. The following options are available:

Option Default Required Description
action none The action to call. Choose between none, more-info, toggle, call-service, navigate, url or exclusive open-dialog.
service none The service to call when action is set to call-service.
service_data none The service data to pass to the service when action is set to call-service.
navigation_path none The path to navigate to when action is set to navigate.
url_path none The url to navigate to when action is set to url.
card none The card to show when action is set to open-dialog. See Dialog Cards for more info.
title none The title of the Dialog Header to show when action is set to open-dialog.

Open Dialog Action

The open-dialog action is a special action, exclusive to this card. It allows you to open a dialog with a custom card inside of it. This can be used to show a more detailed view of the entity, or to show a different card when tapping the button.

When using this action, the card option is required. The Header of the Dialog uses the optional title option, and will default to the name of the entity.

Note that this option is only available when using the YAML configuration.

Secondary Configuration

With the secondary configuration, you can add a secondary text to the card. This can be used to show the current temperature of a thermostat, or the current brightness of a light, for example. Also supports Actions.

Option Default Required Description
top none See Secondary Field for more info.
bottom none See Secondary Field for more info.

Secondary Field

Options for the secondary field.

Option Default Required Description
entity none The entity to show the state of.
icon none The icon to show next to the state of this secondary field.
show_unit true Wether to show the unit of the entity.
tap_action more-info The action to call when tapping the card. See Action Object for more info.
hold_action more-info The action to call when holding the card. See Action Object for more info.
double_tap_action more-info The action to call when double-tapping the card. See Action Object for more info.

State Label Configuration

With the state label configuration, you can decide how the state is displayed. Note that this does not affect the state of the entity, or the way the card handles state changes. This is purely for text display purposes.

Option Default Required Description
entity none The entity to show the state of. Most likely will be a input_text that is updated by an automation.
humanize true Wether to humanize the state. For example, on_running will be displayed as On running. If set to false, the state will be displayed exactly as is.

Basic Example

This code:

type: grid
  - type: custom:homekit-button
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: switch.skylight
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: light.bed_light

Should give you something like this:

Basic Example

Using Open Dialog Action

This code:

type: grid
  - type: custom:homekit-button
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: switch.skylight
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: light.bed_light
      action: open-dialog
        type: entities
          - entity:
          - entity: switch.skylight
          - entity: light.bed_light

Should not differ from the previous example, but when tapping the last card, it should open a dialog with the entities inside of it.

Open Dialog Example

Advanced Example

This code:

square: false
columns: 3
type: grid
title: Homekit Button
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: switch.acj
    name: Homekit Button
    icon: mdi:radiobox-marked
      action: toggle
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: switch.skylight
    icon: mdi:window-open-variant
      action: open-dialog
      title: My Custom Dialog
        type: custom:homekit-button
        entity: switch.skylight
        icon: mdi:window-open-variant
          action: toggle
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: light.bed_light
    icon: mdi:lightbulb
    show_state: false
      action: toggle
  - type: custom:homekit-button
      action: toggle
      action: toggle
    icon: mdi:chip
    name: Computer
    show_state: false
        entity: sensor.cpu_percent
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: switch.heat_pump
      action: toggle
      action: toggle
    icon: mdi:water-boiler
    name: Heat Pump
        entity: number.temperature_setting
          action: open-dialog
            type: custom:homekit-button
            entity: light.bed_light
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            show_state: false
              action: toggle
        entity: sensor.outside_temperature
        icon: mdi:thermometer-chevron-up
  - type: custom:homekit-button
    entity: light.ceiling_lights
    icon: mdi:light-recessed
      entity: input_text.custom_label
      action: toggle

Should give you something like this:

Advanced Example

Top Left Card - Card Not in HA

This card is how the card looks when the entity is not even in your Home Assistant instance. This is to prevent the card from breaking when the entity is not available.

Top Middle Card - Normal off State & Open Dialog Action

This card is how the card looks when the entity is in its off state. The icon is greyed out, and the state is shown as Off. Also note that this card has the tap_action set to open-dialog, which opens a dialog with, in this case, the same card inside of it.

Top Right Card - State Hidden

This card is how the card looks when the show_state option is set to false and the entity is off. The icon is still greyed out, but the state is not shown.

Bottom Left Card - on State with State hidden and Top Secondary

This card is how the card looks when the entity is in its on state, and the show_state option is set to false. The icon is shown as active, but the state is not shown. Also note that this card has a secondary field on the top, which shows the current CPU usage.

Bottom Middle Card - Both Secondaries

Note that this card has both secondary fields, one on the top and one on the bottom. The Bottom secondary field also has a custom icon.

Bottom Right Card - Custom State Label

This card has a custom state label, which is an input_text that is updated by an automation. The state label is shown as Custom label (❄️), which is the humanized version of the state.


If you have any ideas for new features, or find any bugs, feel free to open an issue or a pull request!

This card is developed using Visual Studio Code with devcontainer support. To get started, simply open the project in VSCode and run the "Reopen in Container" command. This will automatically start a Home Assistant instance with the card installed and ready to be used. In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:9123 to access the Home Assistant instance. You can now start developing!


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