Clone 433Mhz signals - A python plugin for Domoticz
This is a plugin for Domoticz, the open source home automation software. It allows you to clone 433 radio signals, and then retransmit them. Just connect a 433 receiver and transmitter directly to your Raspberry Pi's pins.
This works great with remote controlled power switches. These use very predictable signals that are always the same. This plugin can copy the signals form your remote control, and then transmit them when you use switches in Domoticz.
If you only use your RFXCom or RFLink to switch this type of device, then this plugin (and 1 euro worth of hardware) may be all you need.
Detailed installation and usage instruction can be found on the wiki:
Discussion can be found on the Domoticz forum:
sudo apt-get -y install git pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio
git clone
sudo pigpiod python ./ record test