Service listening for submission objects via an API endpoint and saving them to an external database
You can quickly build & serve the app using the following commands
docker build ./src/flamflam.SubmissionService -t submission-service-image
docker run -it --rm -p 5000:80 submission-service-image
Once done you can look at the API definitions on http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
In order to work the on the application you'd need the following:
- dotnet 7.0 SDK
- dotnet CLI is installed as part of the SDK
- VS Code or an alternative editor
- Docker Desktop
- mongodb connection string
The app is relying on a set of the integration tests. In order to execute the test, run the following commands
cd .\src
dotnet test
In order to get the application to properly function, you'd need to specify the DB configruation.
This can be done via appsettings.json file, or alternatively via environment variables, example below:
FlamFlamDb:ConnectionString: [Connection string]
FlamFlamDb:DatabaseName: [Db name]
FlamFlamDb:SubmissionsCollectionName: submissions
NOTE: if both values in
& environment variables are supplied, the environment variables will be prioritized.