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vinkla authored and jasonlewis committed Oct 21, 2012
1 parent acbffce commit 8bcfd52
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Showing 2 changed files with 123 additions and 0 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions application/language/sv/pagination.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@

return array(

| Pagination Language Lines
| The following language lines are used by the paginator library to build
| the pagination links. You're free to change them to anything you want.
| If you come up with something more exciting, let us know.

'previous' => '&laquo; Föregående',
'next' => 'Nästa &raquo;',

104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions application/language/sv/validation.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@

return array(

| Validation Language Lines
| The following language lines contain the default error messages used
| by the validator class. Some of the rules contain multiple versions,
| such as the size (max, min, between) rules. These versions are used
| for different input types such as strings and files.
| These language lines may be easily changed to provide custom error
| messages in your application. Error messages for custom validation
| rules may also be added to this file.

"accepted" => ":attribute m&aring;ste accepteras.",
"active_url" => ":attribute &auml;r inte en giltig webbadress.",
"after" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara ett datum efter den :date.",
"alpha" => ":attribute f&aring;r endast inneh&aring;lla bokst&auml;ver.",
"alpha_dash" => ":attribute f&aring;r endast inneh&aring;lla bokst&auml;ver, nummer och bindestreck.",
"alpha_num" => ":attribute f&aring;r endast inneh&aring;lla bokst&auml;ver och nummer.",
"array" => ":attribute m&aring;ste ha valda element.",
"before" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara ett datum innan den :date.",
"between" => array(
"numeric" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara ett nummer mellan :min och :max.",
"file" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara mellan :min till :max kilobytes stor.",
"string" => ":attribute m&aring;ste inneh&aring;lla :min till :max tecken.",
"confirmed" => ":attribute bekr&auml;ftelsen matchar inte.",
"count" => ":attribute m&aring;ste exakt ha :count valda element.",
"countbetween" => ":attribute f&aring;r endast ha :min till :max valda element.",
"countmax" => ":attribute f&aring;r max ha :max valda element.",
"countmin" => ":attribute m&aring;ste minst ha :min valda element.",
"different" => ":attribute och :other f&aring;r ej vara lika.",
"email" => ":attribute formatet &auml;r ogiltig.",
"exists" => "Det valda :attribute &auml;r ogiltigt.",
"image" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara en bild.",
"in" => "Det valda :attribute &auml;r ogiltigt.",
"integer" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara en siffra.",
"ip" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara en giltig IP-adress.",
"match" => ":attribute formatet &auml;r ogiltig.",
"max" => array(
"numeric" => ":attribute f&aring;r inte vara st&ouml;rre &auml;n :max.",
"file" => ":attribute f&aring;r max vara :max kilobytes stor.",
"string" => ":attribute f&aring;r max inneh&aring;lla :max tecken.",
"mimes" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara en fil av typen: :values.",
"min" => array(
"numeric" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara st&ouml;rre &auml;n :min.",
"file" => ":attribute m&aring;ste minst vara :min kilobytes stor.",
"string" => ":attribute m&aring;ste minst inneh&aring;lla :min tecken.",
"not_in" => "Det valda :attribute &auml;r ogiltigt.",
"numeric" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara ett nummer.",
"required" => ":attribute f&auml;ltet &auml;r obligatoriskt.",
"same" => ":attribute och :other m&aring;ste vara likadana.",
"size" => array(
"numeric" => ":attribute m&aring;ste vara :size.",
"file" => ":attribute f&aring;r endast vara :size kilobyte stor.",
"string" => ":attribute m&aring;ste inneh&aring;lla :size tecken.",
"unique" => ":attribute anv&auml;nds redan.",
"url" => ":attribute formatet &auml;r ogiltig",

| Custom Validation Language Lines
| Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
| convention "attribute_rule" to name the lines. This helps keep your
| custom validation clean and tidy.
| So, say you want to use a custom validation message when validating that
| the "email" attribute is unique. Just add "email_unique" to this array
| with your custom message. The Validator will handle the rest!

'custom' => array(),

| Validation Attributes
| The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
| with something more reader friendly such as "E-Mail Address" instead
| of "email". Your users will thank you.
| The Validator class will automatically search this array of lines it
| is attempting to replace the :attribute place-holder in messages.
| It's pretty slick. We think you'll like it.

'attributes' => array(),


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