Releases: fjlj/UniPatch
UniPatch V0.9.61
- Fix Issue with loader mode not allowing process to resume all threads properly.
- add example for creating shortcuts to launch a program through unipatch in loader mode
Shortcut Example
- Create a new shortcut for Unipatch
- Put it wherever you want to...
- Set the "Target" input box to
"<path to unipatch>" "<path to 1337 file>" -l (-t "<path to target>" if different from file patched in 1337 file)
- Set the "Start In" input box to
"<path of target exe Directory>"
- Click Change Icon and select the original Application EXE to select it's Icon.
Usage: UniPatch.exe <1337_file_path> [options]
-h Display this help screen
-nb Do not Backup Target
-r Treat addresses as file offsets
-f Force patch (ignore original bytes in patch mode)
-l Loader Mode: patch bytes in memory(no file modification) after launching target (implies -nb)
-t <exe name> Target exe (if unused defaults to target of 1337 file)
-sw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait before initial module snapshot(allow all modules to load)
-la <number> Number of times to attempt to load Module data from memory (default:2000)
-lw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait between attempts (default:1)
-pa <number> Number of times to attempt to check original byte before patching (default:200)
-pw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait between checking original byte again (default:1)
Full Changelog: 0.9.6...0.9.61
UniPatch V0.9.6
-test loader mode with -t to provide exe when patch target is a different module.
-test patching x64 and x86 loaded modules...
-update the getBaseAddress function to be much more reliable... timing arguments should not be needed...
Usage: UniPatch.exe <1337_file_path> [options]
-h Display this help screen
-nb Do not Backup Target
-r Treat addresses as file offsets
-f Force patch (ignore original bytes in patch mode)
-l Loader Mode: patch bytes in memory(no file modification) after launching target (implies -nb)
-t <exe name> Target exe (if unused defaults to target of 1337 file)
-sw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait before initial module snapshot(allow all modules to load)
-la <number> Number of times to attempt to load Module data from memory (default:2000)
-lw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait between attempts (default:1)
-pa <number> Number of times to attempt to check original byte before patching (default:200)
-pw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait between checking original byte again (default:1)
UniPatch V0.9.5
-house keeping
-minor bug fixes
Usage: UniPatch.exe <1337_file_path> [options]
-h Display this help screen
-nb Do not Backup Target
-r Treat addresses as file offsets
-f Force patch
-l Loader Mode: patch bytes in memory(no file modification) after launching target (implies -nb)
-t <exe name> Target exe (if unused defaults to target of 1337 file)
-la <number> Number of times to attempt to load Module data from memory (default:2000)
-lw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait between attempts (default:1)
-pa <number> Number of times to attempt to check original byte before patching (default:200)
-pw <number> Number of miliseconds to wait between checking original byte again (default:1)
UniPatch V0.9.4
loader mode up and running with retargetable exe to launch (for dll patches) currently only supports reading 1 module from 1337 file.. so launcher is unable to apply multiple patches to multiple modules... -l will simply launch the exe target from the 1337 file and apply patches.
Usage: UniPatch.exe <1337_file_path> [options]
-h Display this help screen
-nb Do not Backup Target
-r Treat addresses as file offsets
-f Force patch
-l Loader Mode: patch bytes in memory(no file modification) after launching target (implies -nb)
-t Target exe (if unused defaults to target of 1337 file)
-la Number of times to attempt to load Module data from memory (default:2000)
-lw Number of miliseconds to wait between attempts (default:1)
-pa Number of times to attempt to check original byte before patching (default:200)
-pw Number of miliseconds to wait between checking original byte again (default:1)
UniPatch V0.9
Now you are also able to use -l for loader mode... this will load the target exe suspended and patch the memory of the running program as soon as it is available...
TODO: allow retrying X times with Y delay reading memory before patch/fail (will wait for memory to be unpacked before patching)
Usage: UniPatch.exe <1337_file_path> [options]
-h Display this help screen
-nb Do not Backup Target
-r Treat addresses as file offsets
-f Force patch
-l Loader Mode: patch bytes in memory(no file modification) after launching target (implies -nb)