Releases: firebase/extensions
storage-resize-images v0.2.7
fixed - maintain aspect ratio of resized images (#2115)
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
rtdb-limit-child-nodes v0.1.15
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
firestore-translate-text v0.1.22
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
firestore-shorten-urls-bitly v0.1.18
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
firestore-send-email v0.1.36
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
firestore-counter v0.2.12
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
firestore-bigquery-export v0.1.58
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
delete-user-data v0.1.24
feat - move to Node.js 20 runtimes
firestore-send-email v0.1.35
feat - add SendGrid category support
docs - add instructions for setting up Firestore TTL policies for the delivery.expireAt
firestore-bigquery-export v0.1.57
feat - add basic materialized views support, incremental and non-incremental.
fix - do not add/update clustering if an invalid clustering field is present.
docs - improve cross-project IAM documentation
fix - emit correct events to extension, backwardly compatible.
docs - add documentation on workarounds to mitigate data loss during extension updates