This is a simple library to generate an N-dimensional orthtrees non-recursively. An orthtree is a tree structure in which each node is subdivided into 2N equal nodes. An example of orthtrees are quadtrees and octrees. These structures can be very useful for graphics, image processing, collision detection and much more.
To get started just include Orthree.h
and make sure you’re using at least C++17
Everything takes place inside the Orthtree
template<size_t dimensions = 2, typename T = float> class Orthtree
as you’ve might guessed is the number of dimensions, i.e. 2 for a quad tree. T
represents the data type which all points use. Note that if T
is integral you might have some precision loss.
To generate the tree use the generate method:
void Generate(VecN lowerBounds,
VecN upperBounds,
size_t maxDepth,
std::function<bool(Node&)> subdivisionCondition)
and upperBounds
represent the N-D
space which the tree represents. maxDepth
is how many times the root node can be subdivided. Lastly subdivisionCondition
is a lambda which takes the current Node
being queried as input. If the lambda returns true
then the node is subdivided.
Then we have a couple of other utility functions:
// Gets Euclidean distance between 2 points
T VecN::Distance(VecN& point) const noexcept;
// Checks if a point resides within a Node
bool Node::ContainsPoint(VecN& point) noexcept;
// Gets the number of Nodes in the tree
size_t Orthtree::Size() const noexcept;
// Gets node with index in tree (may throw std::out_of_range)
Node& Orthtree::operator[](size_t index);
// Generate some random points
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dist(0, 512);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
points.push_back({{ dist(rng), dist(rng) }});
// Generate point-region quadtree
size_t bucketCapacity = 1;
tree.Generate({{ 0, 0 }}, {{ 512, 512 }}, 16, [&](auto& node) {
int nPoints = 0;
for (auto& p : points)
if (node.ContainsPoint(p))
return nPoints > bucketCapacity;
Orthtree<2>::VecN camera = {{ (float)GetMouseX(), (float)GetMouseY() }};
tree.Generate({{ 0.0f, 0.0f }}, {{ 512.0f, 512.0f }}, 8, [&](auto& node) {
auto dist = camera.Distance(node.centre);
return dist < node.size[0] * 2.0f;