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A Final Cut Pro plugin to render SwiftUI views on your video


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  1. Move the SwiftUIFX app to Applications, and run xattr -cr /Applications/ to un-quarantine the app (see #4). Open the app at least once to allow it to run.
  2. Unzip and place the SwiftUIFX directory into /Applications/Final Cut
  3. Ensure you have the Swift toolchain installed, and create a new Swift package. Ensure the package's library name matches the package name, and set the library's type to .dynamic.
// swift-tools-version: 6.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyVideoOverlay",
    platforms: [.macOS(.v13)],
    products: [.library(name: "MyVideoOverlay", type: .dynamic, targets: ["MyVideoOverlay"])],
    targets: [.target(name: "MyVideoOverlay")]
  1. Create a SwiftUI view in your package and expose it to the plugin by adding a @_cdecl("createView") function.
import SwiftUI

@_cdecl("createView") public func createView() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
    return Unmanaged.passRetained(
        AnyView(MyView()) as AnyObject

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello World")

#Preview {
        .frame(width: 1920, height: 1080)
  1. Create or open a Final Cut Pro project and drag a "SwiftUI View" generator onto the timeline from the "Generators>SwiftUIFX" category in the library.
  2. Select the generator, navigate to the generator inspector, and drag the top level directory of your Swift package into the "Package Path" text field.
  3. Press the "Compile" button to compile your view. It should now be displayed in your video timeline.
  4. Any time you make a change to your package you will need to press the "Compile" button again.


The SwiftUIFX mac app will not auto-update, so any updates will need to be manually downloaded from the latest release.

Environment Values

To access environment values in your SwiftUI view:

  1. Add SwiftUIFX as a dependency of your package.
let package = Package(
    name: "MyVideoOverlay",
    platforms: [.macOS(.v13)],
    products: [.library(name: "MyVideoOverlay", type: .dynamic, targets: ["MyVideoOverlay"])],
    dependencies: [.package(url: "", branch: "main")],
    targets: [.target(name: "MyVideoOverlay", dependencies: [.product(name: "SwiftUIFX", package: "SwiftUIFX")])]
  1. Import SwiftUIFX in your SwiftUI view.
import SwiftUIFX
  1. Access the environment value using the Environment property wrapper.
@Environment(\.timelineTime) var timelineTime: CMTime
@Environment(\.timelineTimeRange) var timelineTimeRange: CMTimeRange
@Environment(\.generatorTimeRange) var generatorTimeRange: CMTimeRange


See the Examples directory for example packages that can be used with SwiftUIFX.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run swift build -c release --arch arm64 --arch x86_64 at the top level of the repository.
  3. Change the code sign identity in the build script phases of Plugin ("Copy and Code Sign FxPlug.framework" and "Copy and Code Sign PluginManager.framework").
  4. Open SwiftUIFX.xcodeproj.


Thanks to Arclite/Halloween2024 for demonstrating how SwiftUI views can be loaded from a dylib.


A Final Cut Pro plugin to render SwiftUI views on your video






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