Note: This repository has been deprecated in favour of pylon_instant_camera. pylon_instant_camera targets ROS2 while supporting USB cameras as well as GigE cameras, pixel formats other than RGB8, and loading pylon feature streams for exhaustive configuration.
ROS node for access to Basler camera via Pylon CBaslerUsbInstantCamera API.
Supports low-latency, high-speed, arbitrary framerate, free-running mode.
The official node does not support this mode, as discussed at these issues:
- magazino/pylon_camera#25
- basler/pylon-ros-camera#21
- basler/pylon-ros-camera#28
- basler/pylon-ros-camera#29
Used with a dart daA1280-54uc camera as installed on a BFFT/digitalwerk ADAS model car and the FH Wedel Autonomous Driving ros_adas2019 package.