Basic, easy and quick method for build and run a new container for a web app.
This container use Apache, PHP5 and MySQL orchestrate by supervisor.
Create a dir for your application :
mkdir /home/user/public/my_app
cd /home/user/public/my_app
Copy docker-lamp-unicontainer for this app :
git clone [email protected]:fferriere/docker-lamp-unicontainer.git docker
A new folder has been create named docker. It contains all files for build and run the container.
We recommend to change the container's image name in file ./docker/container-name.conf
sed -i -e"s#^CONTAINER_NAME=\"fferriere/full-lamp\"#CONTAINER_NAME=\"namespace/my_app\"#" ./docker/container-name.conf
This file contains the container's image name for this app. If you have some app and you don't change the name you must have conflict.
You must change DBNAME, USER_NAME and USER_PASS in file ./docker/start-mysql.conf for each app.
Build the app :
Get your app code source :
git clone [email protected]:Sylius/Sylius.git src
The script for run the container need a src folder.
Run the container :
By default, only web port has bind but you can add bind with mysql port with -m option
./docker/ -m
or remove web port bind with -w option
./docker/ -w
This script create a ./var_lib_mysql and ./log folders for mount on /var/lib/mysql and /var/log/supervisor.
All apps in container has log on /var/log/supervisor, so you can check there on ./log folder.