IndieCoin is a vanilla implementation of a decentralized cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that can work as a medium of exchange using cryptographic principles to ensure security.
This is not a production project nor should it be used as an actual implementation of a cryptocurrencty. It is just a simple proof of concept of a blockchain. There are many security features not being considered and no optimization has been done. This project was done as second partial project for a software architecture class.
- python 2.7
- sqlite3
The project is made to be a pure pythonic implementation of a vanilla blockchain. The only library used was copied into the repo so no dependendies were required.
The recommended installation is to use a virtual enviornment. Some recommendations are:
clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd indiecoin/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The program is ready to use you can begin by running. To run a normal node just run the following command.
$ python --initial-peers
Wil begin a peer with a DNS seed pointing a server running an indiecoin. If the application is not in the server, you can just add the ip and port of any other peer running the client.
A more detailed documentation of parameters will be seen below.
To run a miner node just run with the --mine flag set to true. In the program by default its set to false.
python --initial-peers --mine True
- Manages blocks, transactions and database operationsindiecoin.miner
- Manages mining new blocksindiecoin.node
- Connects to peer-to-peer network, mantains communicationindiecoin.util
- usefull thingsindiecoin.wallet
- address management
Unit test can be found under test folder. To run unit test navigate to test folder and run:
$ cd tests
$ python -m unittest discover --pattern=*.py
- python ecdsa
- BerryTella P2P framework
For documentation numpy documentation style was followed in a very slight way. All methods and classes have their respective docstrings.
All the required documentation for the class can be found under the docs folder.
The project was done using pep8 coding standard. flake8 was used as a linter to verify that the standard was being followed. To verify standar in project just navigate to root and type
$ flake8
If there are any errors in the style it will show it as output. flake8 configuration file can be found in the root of the repo.
The simple way to run the system is to run a node. This can be done running. This will run a node that is ready to listen to peers, if another peer has the peer in his peer list it can start interacting.
$ python
The node can recieve a list of peers in the form host:port to which it should communicate and sync-up on start.
$ python --initial-peers,
You can also send a flag to the program to run a full mining node, if not you will jsut be listening and relaying transactions and blocks
$ python --miner True
You can limit the number of peers the node keeps track off using the mas peers flag (the deafult value is 50)
$ python --max-peers [num_peers]
You can bind the program to a specific ip address, using the --bind flag, the program uses the address by default which is the system's ip address.
$ python --bind
You can also specify the port at which the program runs, the default is 6666
$ python --port 6666
The system uses sqlite3 for database operations. The blockchain is kept locally at ~/.indiecoin/data/
- Write MOAR Tests
- Work with orphan blocks validations
- A lot more validations