scaffolding express aplication
NodeJS Backend with Express serving resources and restfull API, MongoDB storing documents, SocketIO comunication with list of Books Full CPU cluster performance of server machine (launch aplication in all CPUCores)
- Fork me in github 😊
- Clone Fork into local repository
- install mongodb
- install nodeJS
- npm install proyect dependencies
- Open mongodb database:
- Initialize node app
$set "NODE_ENV=[development | production]" && nodemon app
- Run testing
$set "NODE_ENV=testing" && mocha app
install node packages
- $npm install -g node-inspector [supervisor | nodemon]
open debugger services
- $[node | nodemon | supervisor] --debug app // PROYECT DEPLOYMENT
- [path/to/node-inspector] --web-port=9999 // DEBUG PROYECT (where | which node-inspector)
open browser window
Running debug package for testing tracktrace for api restfull resource
$set DEBUG=mocha:*,express:* && mocha test