💡 My resume | 🌴 My website | 🇧🇷 Versão em português |
Hi! My name is Felipe Lunkes (he/him) and I'm a backend developer.
- 🧮 Experience implementing projects in Java, Python, x86 Assembly, C and shell script;
- 🌱 Practice in maintenance/administration of Linux and FreeBSD systems;
- 📚 Currently improving myself in Java, Rust, Python, C#, x86 Assembly, JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML and CSS;
- 📰 Writing about technology and programming on Agente x86 (in Portuguese);
- ❤️ Developing the Hexagonix Operating System (Hexagonix OS) as a hobby.
This account is not used for professional purposes, only for personal and collaborative projects.
Feel free to contact me through any of the platforms below: