An enthusiastic Software Engineer warming up to the idea that coding
is nothing more than string
manipulation with a few bells and whistles attached to it.
- Half Brazilian 🇧🇷 / 🇺🇸
- UCSD Graduate 🎓
- Founder of ind3x interactive
- Adventurer / Photographer when the time is right
- A wannabe poet and creative type
- Non a fan of the pronoun dance
Get in touch!
Currently I am focused on building up my indie game company, @ind3x. The goal is to one day be able to make some major OSS contributions, both individually and via the company. At the moment, the goal is to simply put some bread on the table. 🥖
- TLDR Panel - A VS Code plugin for quick and easy command lookups directly in VSCode
- Tap Ski Exteme - An AGPL licensed 2d endless downhill ski game for mobile platforms
- ChordFiddle - A web app that functions similarly to jsfiddle but for composing guitar sheet music
- Rice Paper A MacOS Tray application for daily Japanese language learning
Check out for more.