Boilerplate ready to extend and use
Create a env file, in env_back is the template where you have to replace the values correctly, it is needed to run correctly the service
Create new migration file:
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations/ -seq <<migration_sequence_name>>
Run Migrations
migrate -path migrations/ -database "postgresql://username:secretkey@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable" -verbose up
Rollback Migrations
migrate -path migrations/ -database "postgresql://username:secretkey@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable" -verbose down
Force Migration
migrate -path migrations/ -database "postgresql://username:secretkey@localhost:5432/database_name?sslmode=disable" force <VERSION>
openssl rand -hex 32
To create mocks of the interfaces go to the folder and run
mockery --all
go test ./...
To get test coverage, run
go test ./... -coverprofile coverage.out
To see the coverage output in a web browser
go tool cover -html coverage.out
After running the service the documentation can be found in
After creating and endpoint run swag init
to create the documentation files, and swag fmt
to run formatting in the file