Features for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking and Re-Identification
Ergys Ristani, Carlo Tomasi
[Paper] [PhD Thesis] [PhD Slides] [DukeMTMC Project Page] [BibTeX]
Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking (MTMCT) is the problem of determining who is where at all times given a set of video streams as input. The output is a set of person trajectories. Person re-identification (ReID) is a closely related problem. Given a query image of a person, the goal is to retrieve from a database of images taken by different cameras the images where the same person appears.
In this repository, we provide MATLAB code to run and evaluate our tracker, as well as Keras code to learn appearance features with our weighted triplet loss. This code has been written over the past years as part of my PhD research, initially for multi-target tracking by correlation clustering (BIPCC), and lately extended to use deep features in multi-camera settings (DeepCC). We additionally provide tools to download and interact with the DukeMTMC dataset.
After cloning this repository you need to download the DukeMTMC dataset. Specify a folder of your choice in downloadDukeMTMC.m
and run the relevant parts of the script, ommiting the cells which are tagged optional. For the tracker to run you only need to download videos, OpenPose detections, and precomputed detection features.
Please be patient as you are downloading ~160 GB of data.
A pre-trained Keras appearance model based on ResNet50 can be downloaded here: [Weights
It is required only for across-camera association and should be placed under experiments/demo/models
. If you didn't know, Matlab is now able to import Keras models.
For single-camera tracking the precomputed features for each detection are used. You can substitute them with your own.
As a first step you need to set up the dataset root directory. Edit the following line in get_opts.m
opts.dataset_path = 'F:/datasets/DukeMTMC/';
The graph solver is set in opts.optimization
. By default Correlation Clustering by a Binary Integer Program ('BIP
') is used. It solves every graph instance optimally by relying on the Gurobi solver, for which an academic license may be optained for free.
opts.optimization = 'BIP';
opts.gurobi_path = 'C:/gurobi800/win64/matlab';
If you don't want to use Gurobi, we also provide two existing approximate solvers: Adaptive Label Iterative Conditional Models ('AL-ICM'
) and Kernighan-Lin ('KL'
). From our experience, the best trade-off between accuracy and speed is achieved with option 'KL'
Run compile
to obtain mex files for the solvers and helper functions.
Run demo
and you will see output logs while the tracker is running. When the tracker completes, you will see the evaluation results for the sequence trainval-mini
In folder triplet-reid
we provide code for training a ResNet50 CNN with a weighted triplet loss and hard negative mining. This code is heavily based on the Hard Triplet Loss code
Simply run sh train.sh
to train a model. After training completes, run sh convert2matlab.sh
. This script converts the Keras model to be imported in Matlab.
The state of the art for DukeMTMC is available on MOTChallenge
. Submission instructions can be found on this page
MTMCT and ReID share many similarities because both problems rely on appearance and space-time information. The two problems are different and seem to require different loss functions. In MTMCT the decisions made by the tracker are hard: Two person images either have the same identity or not. In ReID the decisions are soft: The gallery images are ranked without making hard decisions. MTMCT training requires a loss that correctly classifies all pairs of observations. ReID instead only requires a loss that correctly ranks a pair of images by which is most similar to the query. Below I illustrate two ideal feature spaces, one for ReID and one for MTMCT, and argue that the MTMCT classification condition is stronger.
In MTMCT the ideal feature space should satisfy the classification condition globally, meaning that the largest class variance among all identities should be smaller that the smallest separation margin between any pair of identities. When this condition holds, a threshold (the maximum class variance) can be found to correctly classify any pair of features as co-identical or not. The classification condition also implies correct ranking in ReID for any given query.
For correct ranking in ReID it is sufficient that for any query the positive examples are ranked higher than all the negative examples. In the above example the ranking condition is satisfied and guarantees corrent ReID ranking for any query. Yet there exists no threshold that correctly classifies all pairs. Therefore the ReID ranking condition is subsumed by the MTMCT classification condition.
If this code helps your research, please cite the following work which made it possible.
author = {Ergys Ristani},
title = {People Tracking and Re-Identification from Multiple Cameras},
school = {Duke University},
year = {2018}
title = {Features for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking and Re-Identification},
author = {Ristani, Ergys and Tomasi, Carlo},
booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
year = {2018}
title = {Performance Measures and a Data Set for Multi-Target, Multi-Camera Tracking},
author = {Ristani, Ergys and Solera, Francesco and Zou, Roger and Cucchiara, Rita and Tomasi, Carlo},
booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision workshop on Benchmarking Multi-Target Tracking},
year = {2016}
title = {Tracking Multiple People Online and in Real Time},
author = {Ristani, Ergys and Tomasi, Carlo},
booktitle = {Asian Conference on Computer Vision},
year = {2014},
pages = {444--459},
organization = {Springer}