MarkHub, A simple blog system built with nodejs. It parses the Markdown file into an HTML file and outputs it to the specified directory.
- Easily write articles using markdown syntax.
- github css theme styles.
git clone
cd markhub
npm install
## Copy the configuration file and edit it.
cp config.example.yaml config.yaml
## build
node index.js
- config: Specify config file path. default value
. For config instructions, seeconfig.example.yaml
. - noclean: By default, all files in
are deleted before building, specify this parameter to prevent deletion of the.
node index.js --config "path/to/config.yaml" --noclean
At the beginning of the post, surround the yaml block with ---
## Post Title
title: 'Hello World'
## Default value:
author: 'fdxx'
## description. Default value: title
## If the body does not have a '<!-- more -->' , this value is also used as excerpt
description: 'some description'
## Published date. Default value: file last modified date.
date: '2024-09-01'
## last modified date. Default value: date
lastmod: '2024-09-05'
## Enables comment feature for the post. Default value: true
comments: true
## Tags. Default value: none
- 'test1'
- 'test2'
## After building, these files are copied to the corresponding post directory.
## If it is a relative path, it will be find from the current md file path.
- 'pexels-dreamypixel-547115.jpg'
- 'pexels-lazarevkirill-9801136.jpg'
## If it is a draft, it will not be output. Default value: false
draft: false