- npm >=8.1.0
- node >=18.13.0
- docker
You should use the .env.example
to create a new file with name .env
npm ci
You should use docker-compose
to start your environment with all services used
docker compose up -d
And access to http://localhost:4567
You can preview in real time your changes, you need run
# development
$ npm run build -- <APP_NAME>
$ npx serverless offline
And access to http://localhost:3000
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# test coverage
$ npm run test:coverage
# create entity
# you will have to rename the class manually following the project standards
$ npm run typeorm:create-entity apps/src/infrastructure/domain/user.entity
# create migration
# normally the file name follows the name of the action to perform: createTable, updateTable, addColumn, dropColumn
$ npm run typeorm:generate-migration database/migrations/CreateUserTable
# Run migrations
$ npm run typeorm:run-migration
# Run database/seeds/user.seed.ts
$ npm run run-seed UserSeed
Currently we using docker-compose
with the next services:
We use a AWS RDS to this case, we using postgresql and adminer to managmente database.
You can access to adminer
We use Minio as AWS S3 Bucket, you can access to Minio console and created a new private bucket here, the default credentials are:
User: default_access_key Password: default_secret_key
π€ Umvel Inc
- Website: https://umvel.com/
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
This project is CC--BY--4.0 licensed.
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