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Analysis of a survey

Create a model for the response variable you are assigned to (assignments are after survey questions). Please follow the procedure outlined in the analysis lecture and provided in the example.ipynb here. Please do not use the values for other responses when modeling your response variable.

For each question there is a response (or multiple choices or rank for the response variable) and also the time it was completed: subtracting from the previous question time you can get time it took to respond. This is so called paradata that reflects the behaviour or respondents while filling the survey.

For extra credit please provide a recommendation on how to improve the survey, preferably based on the analysis of response data or paradata.


Question1 Question2 Question3 Question4 Question5 Question6 Question7 Question8 Question9 Question10 Question11 Question12

Variable abbreviations

Columns Meaning
PG1PsnUse For personal work and/or research use
PG1WdAuth For a wider audience, such as developers of other packages or other software
PG1Trn For a training / class that I took
PG1Other Other purposes
PG4Dtr0_6 Detractors (0-6)
PG4Psv7_8 Passives (7-8)
PG4Prm9_10 Promoters (9-10)
PG4AllResp All Response
PG5_1RRPQ Resolve Reported Problems Quickly
PG5_2BNUI Backlog / # of Unresolved Issues
PG5_3HDS Helpful Discussion on StackExchange
PG5_4VGP Visible Growth in Popularity
PG5_5PHR Package's Historic Reputation
PG5_6SSYOP Scale / Size of Your Own Project
PG5_7NDYP # Developers of Your Project
PG5_8CP Computing Performances
PG5_9FRP "Familiarity with Related Packages"
PG5_10RPA Reputation of the Package's Authors
PG5_11NSG # of Stars on GitHub
PG5_12NWG # of Watchers on GitHub
PG5_13NFG # of Forks on GitHub
PGXResp Response time of question on page X
PGXSubmit The submission time of page X
PG5_XOrder The order of 13 factors the recipient take to deal with question on Page 5
PG5_XTime The completion time of dealing with factor X (e.g. 9 -> PG5_9FRP) on Page 5
PG0Dis Participati Display(Hours)
PG0Shown Participants Shown

Model response variable

Response GitHub Username NetID Name
Resolves Prooblems quickly 3PIV pprovins Provins IV, Preston
Resolves Prooblems quickly BrettBass13 bbass11 Bass, Brett Czech
Resolves Prooblems quickly CipherR9 gyj992 Johnson, Rojae Antonio
Historic Reputation Colsarcol cmawhinn Mawhinney, Colin Joseph
Historic Reputation EvanEzell eezell3 Ezell, Evan Collin
Historic Reputation MikeynJerry jdunca51 Duncan, Jerry
Performmance Tasmia trahman4 Rahman, Tasmia
Perforamnce awilki13 awilki13 Wilkinson, Alex Webb
Performance bryanpacep1 jpace7 Pace, Jonathan Bryan
StackExchange caiwjohn cjohn3 John, Cai William
StackExchange cflemmon cflemmon Flemmons, Cole
StackExchange dbarry9 dbarry Barry, Daniel Patrick
Growth In Popularity desai07 adesai6 Desai, Avie
Growth In Popularity gjones1911 gjones2 Jones, Gerald Leon
#Devs in your poproject herronej eherron5 Herron, Emily Joyce
#Devs in your poproject hossain-rayhan rhossai2 Hossain, Rayhan
#Forks on GitHub jdong6 jdong6 Dong, Jeffrey Jing
#Forks on GitHub jyu25utk jyu25 Yu, Jinxiao
Familiarity with related packages mkramer6 mkramer6 Kramer, Matthew S
Familiarity with related packages mmahbub mmahbub Mahbub, Maria
Scale/Size of your project nmansou4 nmansou4 Mansour, Nasib
Scale/Size of your project nschwerz nschwerz Schwerzler, Nicolas Winfield William
Reputation of Authors rdabbs42 rdabbs1 Dabbs, Rosemary
Reputation of Authors saramsv mousavi Mousavicheshmehkaboodi, Sara
Reputation of Authors spaulsteinberg ssteinb2 Steinberg, Samuel Paul
Issue backlog zol0 akarnauc Karnauch, Andrey
Issue backlog zrandall zrandall Randall, Zachary Adams
Issue backlog lpassarella lpassare Passarella, Linsey Sara
#stars on github tgoedecke pgoedec1 Goedecke, Trish
#stars on github ray830305 hchang13 Chang, Hsun Jui
#stars on github ssravali ssadhu2 Sadhu, Sri Ravali
#watchers on GitHub diadoo jpovlin Povlin, John P
#watchers on GitHub mander59 mander59 Anderson, Matt Mcguffee
#watchers on GitHub iway1 iway1 Way, Isaac Caldwell