Releases: fbis251/album_parser
Version 0.15.1
Version 0.13
- Adds Eroshare API support
- Adds reddit media domains parsing (reddituploads, redditmedia,
Version 0.12.2
- Fix size calculation in ParseUtils.getSizeInMb()
- Add ParseUtils.isDomainMatch() that accepts a String[] of valid domains
Version 0.11
Giphy API support, added Unit Tests
Calls to the Giphy API are now supported. If a Giphy API key is set, the library will attempt to make calls to their API. If the key is not set, the library will attempt to guess at valid URLs for media which may not be valid
Unit Tests
Unit tests for the following APIs have been added:
- Giphy
- Imgur
- Tumblr
The unit tests will ensure that all the API responses are consistent and provide valid data to anyone using this library
Version 0.10
XKCD and Imgur API Version 3 support
Imgur API Version 3 support
AlbumParser albumParser = new AlbumParser();
If you don't have a client ID, the library will make a best effort attempt at parsing your
Imgur URL, but may return invalid links to images such as a .jpg link to a GIF animation
XKCD API support
Only supports comics URLs:
Supported URLs:
Unsupported URLs:
URLs to direct images are supported using the via the DirectMedia class, but they will not
include alt text, titles or descriptions since the XKCD API doesn't support getting information
for direct image URLs.
Example URLs:
Improve Gfycat and ParserResponse
- ParserResponse now should return either an album or a media object with every API call. Now all you have to do to check each response is check
to get a directIMedia
Object if not you can get the fullIApiResponse
to check for album and album media - Gfycat models are now better named as are the API methods that
uses to make calls
DeviantArt Support
0.8 0.8
Giphy Support
0.7.0 0.7.0
First usable release
Most features are now implemented, parsing is improved and response handling is much easier
Vidble support
0.2.0 0.2.0