I am a Fullstack-able Frontend developer. An open source enthusiast. An avid the Primeagen watcher.
- Languages: JavaScript, Typescript, Python, SQL/NoSQL
- Frameworks & Libraries: React.js, Next.js, Svelte/SvelteKit, Astro, Jest, Vitest, Cypress, Playwright, Prisma, PostgresQL, MySQL, Node.js, PWA, Webpack, Figma, Storybook, Express, Redux/Redux Toolkit, GSAP, Framer motion
- Tools & Platforms: GitHub, Docker, Netlify, Vercel, Figma
- Invoys. Won the 1st place for an American company hackathon by designing and developing an invoice management app with Next.js, Typescript, TailwindCSS and MySQL in 3 weeks as a full-stack developer
- Astro Reactive Library. An open source form library for Astro framework. Maintained, documented, and improved the tooling of the library. Currently has 81 stars on github.
- MSIB Kampus Merdeka Dicoding Cycle 6. Taught various React.js-related topics such as state management with Redux, automation testing with Cypress and Jest, and AJAX request.
- Reviewed and graded 4000+ project submissions by overseeing projects from beginner to expert class in Frontend and React.js Learning path for Dicoding Indonesia