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📱 Stitcha: Android Metro Voting App

To download the app: apk here!

Video Presentation


🖼️ Screenshots

🧑 Client

🖥️ Server (DB)

ℹ️ Description

This repository contains an application template for a voting system, the exmaple we have is that of voting app on whether a certain station is working or not, if you open the app for the first time you will be asked to give the required permission if declined two times the app will close, after giving the permissions you wil be automatically redirected to a register/login screen, we have two options enabled by default: google login and facebook login. After a successful login you wil be automatically redirected to the main screen of the app containing a map, the map will autozoom on the city you are in currently (the location between you and all the cities will be calculated and the nearest city is the city to be loaded). The pins of each metro station will autoload if you click on a pin a Toast message will show up telling you how many votes have been made in a specified duration, votes are deleted after 24h. You have two options to vote from working and not working if the user votes a Toast will show up and the info is automatically updated on the database and therefore for all connected users.
If the user clicks on the app's logo a live feed of all the votes in the last 24h is shown (this vote could be for anything, not necessarily for telling if the metro is working or not). The feed is composed of a recyclerview with autoupdating cards each card is colored with the same color as the voting buttons (positive green and negative red). The cards contain information about the map pin voted on and information on the user who voted and the time of vote.

✔️ What have been achieved during the development of this project

  • The construction of a functional realtime database voting metro android application
  • The use of firebase firestore and firebase realtime database in order to keep track
    of votes of each city and each metro station in realtime
  • login functionality using facebook, google and email with the help of firebase
  • Followed basic UI/UX principles in order to make a simple interface...
  • Using RecyclerView and CardView to show the list of items
  • Implemented a loading screen (splash screen), and a login screen.
  • The management of app permissions (fine location, coarse location,...)
  • Using backgroud services in order to track location while app is in the background
  • Used Google maps API to show and edit a map view
  • Autozoom, load pins, update info and define geofences on a google maps view
  • A reactive UI built from scratch with the help of firestore and firebase realtime db
  • Firebase analytics to keep track of user engagement in realtime

🐤 Getting Started

👶 Prerequisites

  • Android Studio - The official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android application development.

🚅 How To Use This Repo

  • Clone the repository with:
fayssal@mypc:~$ git clone
  • Import the project into Android Studio
  • make your own modifications to whatever you want 😅
  • Put your google-services.json file in the project
  • PS: If the database doesn't exist it should be created automatically
  • Export your android app

🛠️ Built With

  • Android Studio - The official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android application development.
  • Java - A high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
  • Firebase - A Backend-as-a-Service (Baas). It provides developers with a variety of tools and services to help them develop quality apps, grow their user base, and earn profit
  • AdMob - A free platform that gives you a way to earn money by displaying targeted ads alongside your app content
  • XML - A markup language and file format for storing, transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data

📖 Author

  • Fayssal EL ANSARI

👮 License

  • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


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