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A systematic literature review on test case prioritization with FASTREAD

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A systematic literature review on test case prioritization: 44-hour work by one graduate student with FASTREAD

FASTREAD: Search (8349, 1 hour for refining search string) -> Screen (242/470, 3 hours to reach 90% estimated recall with FASTREAD) -> full-text review (40 hours)

Validation: Search (783 containing 237/318 of the FASTREAD screening result) -> Screen (293/783 * 2, 2 * 6 hours) -> full-text validation for missing papers ((274-237)/(307-237) = 37/70, 6 hours)

Cite As:

       author = {{Yu}, Zhe and {Carver}, Jeffrey C. and {Rothermel}, Gregg and
         {Menzies}, Tim},
        title = "{Searching for Better Test Case Prioritization Schemes: a Case Study of AI-assisted Systematic Literature Review}",
      journal = {arXiv e-prints},
     keywords = {Computer Science - Software Engineering},
         year = "2019",
        month = "Sep",
          eid = {arXiv:1909.07249},
        pages = {arXiv:1909.07249},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {1909.07249},
 primaryClass = {cs.SE},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  • IEEE Xplore:
    • Keywords: (software AND test AND (rank OR optimi* OR prioriti*))
    • Number: 8349 = 8381 - 32(not research paper)
    • Url:*%20OR%20prioriti*))&highlight=true&returnType=SEARCH&refinements=ContentType:Conferences&refinements=ContentType:Journals%20.AND.%20Magazines&returnFacets=ALL&rowsPerPage=100


  • about test prioritization (sometimes with test selection and test generation) (sometimes test optimization in the title includes test selection and prioritization)
  • NOT: only about test selection/reduction
  • NOT: only about test generation
  • NOT: about fault localization


  • 1 hour to screen 158/192
  • 2 hours to screen 211/300 (8349) Estimated Number of Relevant Studies: 280
  • 3 hours to screen 242/470 (8349) Estimated Number of Relevant Studies: 266 (90% recall)



  • 40 hours to review 242 full-text papers.



Lessions learned from screening: most relevant papers found contain the keyword prioriti* in the title or abstract (237/242). Therefore we use a smaller set of candidate papers to validate the FASTREAD screening result.

  • Keywords: (software AND test AND prioriti*)
  • Number: 783
  • file: prior.csv

Three set of labels:

  • FASTREAD (ZY 3 hours): 242/470 (8349), in prior: 237/(237+81=318), not in prior: 5/389

  • Manual review (6 people each 2 hours): 293/783 (783*2+174=1740)

  • Full-text validation (40 hours) on (ZY=yes OR Manual review=yes), label: 274/307

FASTREAD (ZY) vs Manual review (Majority Vote)

+ TP: 223 (ZY=yes AND Majority Vote=yes)
+ TN: 476=49+427 (ZY=no AND Majority Vote=no)+(ZY=undetermined AND Majority Vote=no)
+ FP: 14 (ZY=yes AND Majority Vote=no)
+ FN: 70=32+38 (ZY=no AND Majority Vote=yes)+(ZY=undetermined AND Majority Vote=yes)
+ Precision: 0.94
+ Recall: 0.76

FASTREAD (ZY) vs Full-text validation (label)

+ TP: 234
+ TN: 507=69+438 (ZY=no AND Full-text=no)+(ZY=undetermined AND Full-text=no)
+ FP: 3
+ FN: 39=12+27 (ZY=no AND Full-text=yes)+(ZY=undetermined AND Full-text=yes)
+ Precision: 0.99 (ZY precision)
+ Recall: 0.85=0.90*0.95 (FASTREAD recall * ZY recall)

Manual review (Majority Vote) vs Full-text validation (label)

+ TP: 259
+ TN: 476
+ FP: 34
+ FN: 14
+ Precision: 0.88
+ Recall: 0.95


A systematic literature review on test case prioritization with FASTREAD







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