a free to use, easy to embed Matlab version of Erdős Rényi Random Graph generator.
The original two definitions are:
- In the G(n,M) model, a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the collection of all graphs which have n nodes and M edges.
- In the G(n,p) model, a graph is constructed by connecting nodes randomly.
we used the second one, since the first one can be easily transformed into the second one by p=2M/(n(n-1))
This code only generate approximately Erdos-Renyi Random Graph. Since Erdos-Renyi Model only consider the undirected, non-self-loop graphs. However, this code would firstly create a directed graph with, self-loops. And then transform the directed graph into undirected simply by ignore the upper triangular adjacency matrix and delete the self-loops
However, when the graph size n is large enough, the generated graph would approximately similar to the expected Erdos-Renyi Model.
this function create Erdos-Renyi random Graph
Oct 25 2016
G : generated random graph
n : graph size, number of vertexes, |V|
m : graph size, number of edges, |E|
n : graph size, number of vertexes, |V|
p : the probability p of the second definition of Erdos-Renyi model.
seed: seed of the function.
- format: <under the construction>
- opt: <under the construction>
G = Erdos_Renyi_Graph(n,p);
[G,n,p] = Erdos_Renyi_Graph(n,p,format);
G = Erdos_Renyi_Graph(n,p);
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