Search,navigate, just randomly pick out a movie on netflix. Do it all from your trusty terminal. This small shell tool is powered using,
Download node at and install it, if you haven't already.
$ npm install -g
$ netflix <command> [options]
$ netflix search
Now type in the movie you want to watch. You should be presented with a list of movie titles. Using your arror keys you will be able to naviagate the list and goto any link you have selected by just pressing enter.
Currently supported links: imdb,rotten tomatoes, netflix, amazon prime.
$ netflix go <movie titile>
This will bring you directly to the movie in netflix if it is available.
$ netflix random [options]
This is basically a wrapper around where you get back a random movie. You can also filter what movie comes back on the following options:
-r, --rating <rating>
lowest rating movie you want to see.
-a, --actor <actor>
search by actor.
-d, --director <director>
search by director.
-k, --keyword <keyword>
search by keyword.