Todo list with live updates, based on TodoMVC.
Server is a Django app. Frontend uses React and LiveResource. Updates are sent over Fanout Cloud or Pushpin.
There is a public instance available here:
Install dependencies:
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Redis is used for storage. Either install a Redis server locally, or set REDIS_HOST
environment variables to use an external server.
Create a .env
file containing GRIP_URL
Be sure to replace {realm-id}
and {realm-key}
with the values from the Fanout control panel.
In a separate shell, run ngrok for local tunneling:
ngrok http 8000
In the Fanout control panel, set the ngrok host/port as the Origin Server.
Run a local instance of the project:
python runserver
Requests made to Fanout Cloud should be routed through ngrok to the local instance. Try a test call with curl:
curl https://{realm-id}
Next you need to set up the frontend. See Frontend setup.
Create a .env
file containing GRIP_URL
Run Pushpin:
pushpin --route="* localhost:8000"
Run the server:
python runserver
Next you need to set up the frontend. See Frontend setup.
Build the frontend code:
cd client
npm install
Edit js/src/Constants.js
and change the API_ENDPOINT_BASE
to point to the location of the server. For Fanout Cloud, that would be something like https://{realm-id} . For Pushpin that would be something like http://localhost:7999 .
Use a webserver such as Apache or Nginx to serve the client
Then open up two browser windows to the served client location. This will load the website and frontend JavaScript code which will then connect to the Django server to read/write todo items.