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Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
✌️ A spring physics based React animation library
Messaging APIs for multi-platform
Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository.
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
vinks / react-boilerplate
Forked from 60frames/react-boilerplateProduction-ready boilerplate for building universal web apps with React and Redux
JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which uses JavaScript as a host language.
React: CSS in JS techniques comparison
The library for web and native user interfaces.
⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.
Remember, restore and sync scroll, bookmarks, marks, folds and cursors. keys: multiple columns one buffer, follow mode, split, screen, pages, synchronize vertical and typewriter scrolling
JavaScript Date Range, Date and Time Picker Component