These tests and games are shared by the following projects:
If you modify the a test, please test it with all the projects to ensure 100% API compatibility between all the projects.
$ git clone git://
$ cd cocos2d-html5
$ git submodule update --init
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
... and run a brower and open it in localhost:8000/samples
$ git clone git://
$ cd cocos2d-iphone
$ git checkout develop-v2
$ git submodule update --init
$ open cocos2d-tests-ios.xcodeproj
- Select the "JS Test" scheme in Xcode
- Run it
$ git clone git://
$ cd cocos2d-x
$ git checkout gles20
$ git submodule update --init
$ open samples/Javascript/TestJavascript/proj.ios/TestJavascript.xcodeproj
- Select the "TestJavascript" scheme in Xcode
- Run it
- Install Android NDK developement environment
- Define environment variable "NDK_ROOT" which means the directory NDK installed in
- Run the following command
$ cd Samples/TestJavascript/
$ ./
- Import android projects into Eclipses and run, please refer to
Before running Crystal Craze and Cocos Dragon, you need to open the CocosBuilder project file and press publish.
- Open the
file with CocosBuilder (located here: games/CrystalCraze/CrystalCraze.ccbproj ) CocosBuilder
- Repeat those steps for CocosDragon
Automated tests are not ready yet. In the meantime use the obsolete method of updating the following spreadsheet:
Code once, run everywhere. These tests can be run unmodified in the following platforms:
- In any browser ( with cocos2d-html5 )
- iOS ( with cocos2d-x / cocos2d-iphone + JS Bindings)
- Android ( with cocos2d-x + JS Bindings )
- Mac ( with cocos2d-iphone + JS Bindings )
It is a simple puzzle game. It uses:
- CocosBuilder
- cocos2d
Play it online: Web version
Licensed under MIT.
It is a simple physics game. It uses:
- cocos2d
- Chipmunk
- CocosBuilder
Play it online: Web version
Licensed under MIT.
It is a simple platformer game. It uses:
- cocos2d
- CocosBuilder
Play it online: Web version
Licensed under MIT.
It is a simple shooter game. It uses:
- cocos2d
Play it online: Web version
Art and audio is copyrighted by Enigmata Genus Revenge, you may not use any copyrighted material without permission.
This showcase is licensed under GPL
- Programmer: Shengxiang Chen, Dingping Lv
- Effects animation: Hao Wu
- Quality Assurance: Shun Lin
- HTML5China:
- Cocos2d-html5: