The code is about to handles bookings for a platform or service, which includes retrieves a list of bookings that belong to a user or all bookings if the authenticated user is an admin or superadmin. Retrieves a single booking, creates/ update a booking, sends an email for an immediate job, retrieves the history of bookings that belong to a user etc.
Q:What makes it amazing code:
The amazing or good part about the code is using Repository pattern. Have the ability to easily swap the ORM (or even the entire storage technology). Restrict most of our application from being able to directly manipulate the data in DB . This is especially important in applications with layered architecture, where you don't want any of the layers except Persistence to have direct access to the data in the storage. Making it easier for us to do Unit-Test. the BookingRepository inject is in the constructor which is good. So that's the amazing/ good part about the code.
Q:Or what makes it ok code:
The ok part is about they use response helper which is ok (otherwise you can use response macros etc), used descriptive function names which is fine,
Q:Or what makes it terrible code:
The terrible part there's no validation for incoming data, no proper exception handling, wrong variable naming conventions, variable spelling mistakes, non descriptive, pass directly request->all() to create method which is dangerous from security perspective, get data from request without checking if exists, Too much lenghty functions can have several disadvantages including Readability, Reusability, Performance, Debugging, Code complexity etc (To avoid these disadvantages, it is generally a good practice to keep functions small and focused on a specific task or functionality. This helps to improve code readability, reusability, performance, and maintainability). No proper authorization checks. No proper code comments. The code is using object property directly without checking if it exists.
Q:How would you have done it. Thoughts on formatting, structure, logic:
Add proper checks on request while getting data, removed unsed variables, optimized or re structured function's for better understanding. Add object checks. Return only required data from request by using $request->only(), Removed long if-elseif statements to nice switch statements. Add exceptions checks. Set variables names, Always return a response by function. Add sub or private function for reusability. Optimized query