the missing golang data admin panel builder tool.
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Inspired by laravel-admin
GoAdmin is a toolkit to help you build a data visualization admin panel for your golang app.
Online demo:
- 🚀 Fast: build a production admin panel app in ten minutes.
- 🎨 Theming: beautiful ui themes supported(default adminlte, more themes are coming.)
- 🔢 Plugins: many plugins to use(more useful and powerful plugins are coming.)
- ✅ Rbac: out of box rbac auth system.
- ⚙️ Frameworks: support most of the go web frameworks.
We need your help: GoAdminGroup/docs#1
Following three steps to run it.
$ mkdir new_project && cd new_project
$ go install
$ adm init web
Quick follow up example:
- pure golang, simple and less dependency
- golang with frontend template, change template by yourself
- golang with vue, if you have vue experience
See the docs for more details.
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