RNA modifications are a common occurrence in transcriptome and play a crucial role in various biological processes. Nanopore direct RNA sequencing (DRS) provides raw current signal readings, which carry information of modifications. Supervised machine learning methods using DRS are advantageous for RNA modification detection. However, existing methods for RNA modification detection do not adequately capture sequential signal features within and between reads. Here, we represent NSWord, an improved transformer model with novel self-attention blocks that integrates the transcript sequence and its signal reads to produce a comprehensive site-level prediction. NSWord outperforms existing deep learning methods, particularly in its ability to utilize a greater number of reads to produce more accurate predictions. Additionally, we conducted a series of studies using the SHAP method, investigating the factors influencing the RNA modifications from a perspective of interpretability.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/faded53222/NSWord.git cd NSWord
Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):
python -m venv virtual source virtual/bin/activate # On Windows use `virtual\Scripts\activate`
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
NSWord dataprep requires eventalign.txt from nanopolish eventalign
nanopolish eventalign --reads reads.fastq --bam reads.sorted.bam --genome transcript.fa --scale-events --signal-index --summary /path/to/summary.txt --threads 50 > /path/to/eventalign.txt
This function segments raw fast5 signals to each position within the transcriptome, allowing for predictions of modifications based on the segmented signals. In order to run eventalign, users will need:
: fastq file generated from basecalling the raw .fast5 filesreads.sorted.bam
: sorted bam file obtained from aligning reads.fastq to the reference transcriptome filetranscript.fa
: reference transcriptome file
See Nanopolish for more information.
cd ecode/data_process
wget http://sg-nex-data.s3.amazonaws.com/data/sequencing_data_ont/fast5/SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4/SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.tar.gz
mkdir SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4_fast5
tar -zxvf SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.tar.gz -C SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4_fast5
wget http://sg-nex-data.s3.amazonaws.com/data/sequencing_data_ont/fastq/SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4/SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.fastq.gz
nanopolish index -d /SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4_fast5 SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.fastq.gz
wget http://sg-nex-data.s3.amazonaws.com/data/annotations/transcriptome_fasta/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.ncrna.fa
wget http://sg-nex-data.s3.amazonaws.com/data/annotations/transcriptome_fasta/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.ncrna.fa.fai
minimap2 -ax map-ont -t 8 Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.ncrna.fa SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.fastq.gz | samtools sort -o SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.sorted.bam -T SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.tmp
samtools index SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.sorted.bam
nanopolish eventalign \
--threads=10 \
--signal-index \
--min-mapping-quality=20 \
--reads SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.fastq.gz \
--bam SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.sorted.bam \
--genome Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.ncrna.fa \
--scale-events > SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.eventalign.txt
After getting nanopolish eventalign results, we need to preprocess the segmented raw signal file using make_index.py
, process.py
, process_neg_approach1.py
and process_neg_approach2.py
The restriction files, which contain the sites to be extracted from the events results, are obtained in process_sites.ipynb
builds index for faster running. process.py
gets positive samples for the dataset. process_neg_approach1.py
gets half of the negative samples with the same 5-mer motifs as positive ones. And process_neg_approach2.py
gets the other half of the negative samples by selecting sites that are m6A modifiable in other cell-lines but not in Hct116.
python make_index.py --input SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.eventalign
python process.py -i SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.eventalign --restrict_file Hct116_ENST
python process_neg_appoarch1.py -i SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.eventalign -r Hct116_ENST
python process_neg_appoarch2.py -i SGNex_Hct116_directRNA_replicate3_run4.eventalign -r others_reduced_by_Hct116_ENST
The preprocessing results include an .index
index file and a .json
data file, both of which should be placed in the edata/Dataset/m6A
folder for subsequent use.
The majority of the project's work is presented in Jupyter Notebook format.
encompasses the primary processes of the project, including dataset creation, model structure, training, testing and SHAP interpretability.
is responsible for generating the various graphs used for analysis.
contains an implementation of m6Anet, with identical training data and tasks as in NSWord.ipynb
In addition, we provide a basic Python and command-line version for model training and testing, located in the python_ver
cd NSWord/python_ver
python create_dataset.py --path ../edata/DataSet/m6A --use_file_name use_files --save_name m6A_NSWord
python train.py --load_dataset_name m6A_NSWord --epochs 150 --learning_rate 0.001 --seq_reduce 16 -- read_reduce 0
python test.py --load_dataset_name m6A_NSWord --load_model_name NSWord_222000_50_50reads_9sites --seq_reduce 16 -- read_reduce 0