Mcrouter (pronounced mc router) is a memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments. It's a core component of cache infrastructure at Facebook and Instagram where mcrouter handles almost 5 billion requests per second at peak.
Mcrouter is developed and maintained by Facebook.
See to get started.
Currently, we support Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) amd64. Here is how to install it:
Add the repo key:
$ wget -O - | sudo apt-key add
Add the following line to apt sources file /etc/apt/sources.list
deb bionic contrib
Update the local repo cache:
$ sudo apt-get update
Install mcrouter:
$ sudo apt-get install mcrouter
See for more detailed installation instructions.
Mcrouter depends on folly, wangle, fizz, and fbthrift.
The installation is a standard autotools flow:
$ autoreconf --install
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ mcrouter --help
Assuming you have a memcached instance on the local host running on port 5001, the simplest mcrouter setup is:
$ mcrouter \
"route":"PoolRoute|A"}' \
-p 5000
$ echo -ne "get key\r\n" | nc 0 5000
(nc is the GNU Netcat,
- Memcached ASCII protocol
- Connection pooling
- Multiple hashing schemes
- Prefix routing
- Replicated pools
- Production traffic shadowing
- Online reconfiguration
- Flexible routing
- Destination health monitoring/automatic failover
- Cold cache warm up
- Broadcast operations
- Reliable delete stream
- Multi-cluster support
- Rich stats and debug commands
- Quality of service
- Large values
- Multi-level caches
- IPv6 support
- SSL support
Documentation: Engineering discussions and support:
Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
Licensed under the MIT license: