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Pull in eslint config from FB
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zpao committed Aug 31, 2015
1 parent 7a257ad commit 8f8bae6
Showing 1 changed file with 340 additions and 0 deletions.
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions scripts/eslint/.eslintrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
parser: babel-eslint

browser: true
node: true
jest: true
jasmine: true
es6: true

__DEV__: true

# Possible Errors <>
# babel removes them for older browsers, we should do a codemod
comma-dangle: [0, always-multiline]
# equivalent to jshint boss
no-cond-assign: 0
# equivalent to jshint devel
no-console: 0
# prohibits things like `while (true)`
no-constant-condition: 0
# we need to be able to match these
no-control-regex: 0
# equivalent to jshint debug
no-debugger: 2
# equivalent to jshint W004
no-dupe-args: 2
# syntax error in strict mode, almost certainly unintended in any case
no-dupe-keys: 2
# almost certainly a bug
no-duplicate-case: 1
# almost certainly a bug
no-empty-character-class: 1
# would warn on uncommented empty `catch (ex) {}` blocks
no-empty: 0
# can cause subtle bugs in IE 8, and we shouldn't do this anyways
no-ex-assign: 1
# we shouldn't do this anyways
no-extra-boolean-cast: 1
# parens may be used to improve clarity, equivalent to jshint W068
no-extra-parens: [1, functions]
# equivalent to jshint W032
no-extra-semi: 1
# a function delaration shouldn't be rewritable
no-func-assign: 2
# babel and es6 allow block-scoped functions
no-inner-declarations: 0
# will cause a runtime error
no-invalid-regexp: 1
# disallow non-space or tab whitespace characters
no-irregular-whitespace: 1
# write `if (!(a in b))`, not `if (!a in b)`, equivalent to jshint W007
no-negated-in-lhs: 2
# will cause a runtime error
no-obj-calls: 2
# improves legibility
no-regex-spaces: 1
# we target es6!
no-reserved-keys: 0
# equivalent to jshint elision
no-sparse-arrays: 2
# equivalent to jshint W027
no-unreachable: 2
# equivalent to jshint use-isnan
use-isnan: 2
# probably too noisy ATM
valid-jsdoc: 0
# equivalent to jshint notypeof
valid-typeof: 2
# we already require semicolons
no-unexpected-multiline: 0

# Best Practices <>
# probably a bug, we shouldn't actually even use this yet, because of IE8
accessor-pairs: [1, {setWithoutGet: true}]
# probably too noisy ATM
block-scoped-var: 0
# cyclomatic complexity, we're too far gone
complexity: 0
# require return statements to either always or never specify values
consistent-return: 1
# style guide: Always use brackets, even when optional.
curly: [2, all]
# we don't do this/care about this
default-case: 0
# disabled in favor of our temporary fork
dot-notation: 0
# we don't do this/care about this, but probably should eventually
dot-location: 0
# disabled as it's too noisy ATM
eqeqeq: [0, allow-null]
# we don't do this/care about this, equivalent to jshint forin
guard-for-in: 0
# we have too many internal examples/tools using this
no-alert: 0
# incompatible with use strict equivalent to jshint noarg
no-caller: 2
# we don't do this/care about this
no-div-regex: 0
# we don't do this/care about this
no-else-return: 0
# equivalent to jshint W028
no-empty-label: 2
# see eqeqeq: we explicitly allow this, equivalent to jshint eqnull
no-eq-null: 0
# equivalent to jshint evil
no-eval: 2
# should only be triggered on polyfills, which we can fix case-by-case
no-extend-native: 1
# might be a sign of a bug
no-extra-bind: 1
# equivalent to jshint W089
no-fallthrough: 1
# equivalent to jshint W008
no-floating-decimal: 2
# implicit coercion is often idiomatic
no-implicit-coercion: 0
# equivalent to jshint evil/W066
no-implied-eval: 2
# will likely create more signal than noise
no-invalid-this: 0
# babel should handle this fine
no-iterator: 0
# this is occasionally useful, and jshint allowed it
no-labels: 0
# lone blocks create no scope, will ignore blocks with let/const
no-lone-blocks: 1
# equivalent to jshint loopfunc
no-loop-func: 0
# we may use this for alignment in some places
no-multi-spaces: 0
# equivalent to jshint multistr, consider using es6 template strings
no-multi-str: 2
# equivalent to jshint W020, similar to no-extend-native
no-native-reassign: [2, {exceptions: [Map, Set]}]
# equivalent to jshint evil/W054
no-new-func: 2
# don't use constructors for side-effects, equivalent to jshint nonew
no-new: 1
# deprecated in ES5, but we still use it in some places
no-octal-escape: 1
# deprecated in ES5, may cause unexpected behavior
no-octal: 1
# treats function parameters as constants, probably too noisy ATM
no-param-reassign: 0
# only relevant to node code
no-process-env: 0
# deprecated in ES3.1, equivalent to jshint proto
no-proto: 2
# jshint doesn't catch this, but this is inexcusable
no-redeclare: 1
# equivalent to jshint boss
no-return-assign: 0
# equivalent to jshint scripturl
no-script-url: 2
# not in jshint, but is in jslint, and is almost certainly a mistake
no-self-compare: 1
# there are very limited valid use-cases for this
no-sequences: 1
# we're already pretty good about this, and it hides stack traces
no-throw-literal: 1
# breaks on `foo &&` expression statements, which are common
no-unused-expressions: 0
# disallow unnecessary .call() and .apply()
no-useless-call: 1
# this has valid use-cases, eg. to circumvent no-unused-expressions
no-void: 0
# this journey is 1% finished (allow TODO comments)
no-warning-comments: 0
# equivalent to jshint withstmt
no-with: 0
# require radix argument in parseInt, we do this in most places already
radix: 1
# we don't do this/care about this
vars-on-top: 0
# equivalent to jshint immed
wrap-iife: 0
# probably too noisy ATM
yoda: 0

# Strict Mode <>
# jshint wasn't checking this, and the compiler should add this anyways
strict: 0

# Variables <>
# we don't do this/care about this
init-declarations: 0
# equivalent to jshint W002, catches an IE8 bug
no-catch-shadow: 2
# equivalent to jshint W051, is a strict mode violation
no-delete-var: 2
# we should avoid labels anyways
no-label-var: 1
# redefining undefined, NaN, Infinity, arguments, and eval is bad, mkay?
no-shadow-restricted-names: 1
# a definite code-smell, but probably too noisy
no-shadow: 0
# it's nice to be explicit sometimes: `var foo = undefined;`
no-undef-init: 0
# equivalent to jshint undef, turned into an error in getConfig
# NOTE: This diverges from internal - just turned into an error here since we
# almost always do that anyway.
no-undef: 2
# using undefined is safe because we enforce no-shadow-restricted-names
no-undefined: 0
# equivalent to jshint unused
no-unused-vars: [1, {args: none}]
# too noisy
no-use-before-define: 0

# Node.js <>
# TODO: turn some of these on in places where we lint node code
callback-return: 0
handle-callback-err: 0
no-mixed-requires: 0
no-new-require: 0
no-path-concat: 0
no-process-exit: 0
no-restricted-modules: 0
no-sync: 0

# Stylistic Issues <>
# See also:
array-bracket-spacing: 1
brace-style: [1, 1tbs, {allowSingleLine: true}]
# too noisy at the moment, and jshint didn't check it
camelcase: [0, {properties: always}]
comma-spacing: [1, {before: false, after: true}]
# jshint had laxcomma, but that was against our style guide
comma-style: [1, last]
computed-property-spacing: [1, never]
# we may use more contextually relevant names for this than self
consistent-this: [0, self]
# should be handled by a generic TXT linter instead
eol-last: 0
func-names: 0
# too noisy ATM
func-style: [0, declaration]
# we weren't enforcing this with jshint, so erroring would be too noisy
indent: [1, 2, {SwitchCase: 1}]
# we may use extra spaces for alignment
key-spacing: [0, {beforeColon: false, afterColon: true}]
lines-around-comment: 0
# should be handled by a generic TXT linter instead
linebreak-style: [0, unix]
max-nested-callbacks: 0
new-cap: 0
# equivalent to jshint W058
new-parens: 2
newline-after-var: 0
# equivalent to FacebookWebJSLintLinter's checkPhpStyleArray
no-array-constructor: 2
no-continue: 0
no-inline-comments: 0
# doesn't play well with `if (__DEV__) {}`
no-lonely-if: 0
# stopgap, irrelevant if we can eventually turn `indent` on to error
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 2
# we do this a bunch of places, and it's less bad with proper indentation
no-nested-ternary: 0
# similar to FacebookWebJSLintLinter's checkPhpStyleArray
no-new-object: 1
no-spaced-func: 1
no-ternary: 0
# should be handled by a generic TXT linter instead
no-trailing-spaces: 0
# we use this for private/protected identifiers
no-underscore-dangle: 0
# disallow `var isYes = answer === 1 ? true : false;`
no-unneeded-ternary: 1
# too noisy ATM
object-curly-spacing: 0
# makes indentation warnings clearer
one-var: [1, {initialized: never}]
# prefer `x += 4` over `x = x + 4`
operator-assignment: [1, always]
# equivalent to jshint laxbreak
operator-linebreak: 0
padded-blocks: 0
# probably too noisy on pre-ES5 code
quote-props: [0, as-needed]
quotes: [1, single, avoid-escape]
semi-spacing: [1, {before: false, after: true}]
# equivalent to jshint asi/W032
semi: [1, always]
sort-vars: 0
# require `if ()` instead of `if()`
space-after-keywords: [1, always]
# require `if () {` instead of `if (){`
space-before-blocks: [1, always]
# require `function foo()` instead of `function foo ()`
space-before-function-paren: [1, {anonymous: never, named: never}]
space-in-parens: [1, never]
space-infix-ops: 0
# require `return -a` instead of `return-a`
space-return-throw-case: 1
# Currently broken:
space-unary-ops: [0, {words: true, nonwords: false}]
# TODO: Figure out a way to do this that doesn't break typechecks
# or wait for
spaced-comment: [0, always, {exceptions: [jshint, jslint, eslint, global]}]
wrap-regex: 0

# ECMAScript 6 <>
# TODO: our style guide says to always use parens, even w/ a single param
arrow-parens: 0
# tbgs finds *very few* places where we don't put spaces around =>
arrow-spacing: [1, {before: true, after: true}]
# violation of the ES6 spec, won't transform
constructor-super: 2
generator-star-spacing: 0
no-class-assign: 1
# this is a runtime error
no-const-assign: 2
# violation of the ES6 spec, won't transform, `this` is part of the TDZ
no-this-before-super: 2
# we have way too much ES3 & ES5 code
no-var: 0
object-shorthand: 0
# will only impact future ES6 code that'll use let
prefer-const: 1
prefer-spread: 0
# we don't support/polyfill this yet
prefer-reflect: 0
# there are legitimate use-cases for an empty generator
require-yield: 0

# Legacy <>
max-depth: 0
# TODO: replace regexp linter with this, using {ignorePattern}
max-len: 0
max-params: 0
max-statements: 0
no-bitwise: 1
no-plusplus: 0

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