Github-like breadcrumb
Required markup:
<div id="breadcrumb">
<span class="basepath-container"></span>
<span class="sections-container"></span>
<input class="breadcrumb-input" type="text">
All configuration values are optional. The default values are specified below.
var options = {
// {String} Breadcrumb container id. Defaults to "breadcrumb".
containerId: "container",
// {Array} Section name. Defaults to [].
basePath: ["base", "path"],
// {Array} List of sections names. Defaults to [].
sections: ["section1", "section2"],
// {Boolean} Create links to section and sections. Defaults to true.
createLinks: true,
// {String} File name. Defaults to "".
fileName: "index.html",
// {String} Pattern to validate section name. Defaults to /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/.
validPattern: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/,
// {String} Input placeholder. Defaults to "".
placeholder: "Name your file...",
// {Object} Callbacks object.
callbacks: {
// {Function} Callback invoked on initialization.
// The this keyword refers to the breadcrumb instance.
onInit: function() {},
// {Function} Callback invoked on keyup event.
// The this keyword refers to the breadcrumb instance.
// One parameter, e, is an object event passed to the function.
onInputKeyup: function(e) {},
// {Function} Callback invoked after a section is added.
// The this keyword refers to the breadcrumb instance.
afterAddSection: function() {},
// {Function} Callback invoked after a section is removed.
// The this keyword refers to the breadcrumb instance.
afterRemoveSection: function() {}