Simple tools developed to help in Coding Dojo sessions
pip install -e git://
$ easy_dojo --help Easy Dojo Simple tool to help in Coding Dojo sessions Usage: easy_dojo init <name> easy_dojo watch [--handlers=<handlers>] [<args>...] easy_dojo panel [<port>] easy_dojo list easy_dojo (-h | --help) easy_dojo --version Options: --handlers=<handlers> Handlers used on watch command(separated by commas) port Port used on tornado server of EasyDojo Panel(default=2020) -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version.
$ easy_dojo list List of all handlers: * Arduino - Send a serial command to arduino with tests results * UbuntuNotify - Displays tests results on console and a Ubuntu Desktop notification * MacNotify - Displays tests results on console and a Mac Desktop notification * WebSocket - Send tests results via WebSocket. args: <url> - url to websocket server example: easy_dojo watch --handler=WebSocket ws://localhost:2020/ws * Socket - Send a network command via socket with tests results. args: <host> - host of server <port> - port used on server example: easy_dojo watch --handler=Socket localhost 2020
Your contributions are welcome!
Get the code
git clone git://
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run tests
make test