#ARDUINO APRS and DRA818 module library #
F4GOH Anthony [email protected]
Mars 2016
Use this library freely with Arduino 1.0.6
- APRS AFSK AX25 on freq1 ans freq2
- RTTY 45 bauds on freq1 + freq shift
- Hellschreiber on freq1 (see command "Set pin number and Frequency" above)
To use the DRAPRS library:
Go to https://github.com/f4goh/DRAPRS, click the Download ZIP button and save the ZIP file to a convenient location on your PC.
Uncompress the downloaded file. This will result in a folder containing all the files for the library, that has a name that includes the branch name, usually DRAPS-master.
Rename the folder to DRAPRS.
Copy the renamed folder to the Arduino sketchbook\libraries folder.
you must add Arduino TimerOne library :
Go to http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/Timer1
To use 4x20 characters LCD Display, the LiquidCrystal_I2C and WIRE libraries must also be included.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <DRAPRS.h>
Change your callsign into unsigned char array
// track char array
unsigned char track[72]={'F'<<1,'4'<<1,'G'<<1,'O'<<1,'H'<<1,' '<<1,0x60, //avant APTT4 7 octets (0-6)
'F'<<1,'4'<<1,'G'<<1,'O'<<1,'H'<<1,' '<<1,('0' + 12) << 1, //F4GOH-11 7 octets (7-13)
'W'<<1,'I'<<1,'D'<<1,'E'<<1,'1'<<1,' '<<1,('0' + 1) << 1, //WIDE1-1 7 octets (14-20)
'W'<<1,'I'<<1,'D'<<1,'E'<<1,'2'<<1,' '<<1,('0' + 1) << 1 | 1 , //WIDE2-1 fin ssid lsb =1 7 octets (21-27)
0x03,0xf0, //ctrl, pid 2 octets (28-29)
'/','1','5','0','4','5','2','h', //heure 8 (30-37)
'4','8','5','1','.','2','0','N','/','0','0','2','2','0','.','9','2','E', //lat, long 18 octets (38-55)
'>','7','3',' ','A','n','t','h','o','n','y',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}; //commentaire 15 car
change GPS speed to 4800 bauds if you need
Set pin number and Frequency
Beacon.begin(bfPin, ledPin, 1200, 2200, 350); //analog pin, led pin, freq1, freq2, shift freq
DRA818 speed must be 9600 bauds
change frequency into dra_serial.println...
// Format˖AT+DMOSETGROUP=BWˈTX_FˈRX_FˈTx_subaudioˈSQˈRx_subaudio
// AT+DMOSETGROUP=0,144.8000,144.8000,0000,4,0000
// SQ 0 à 8
byte configDra818()
char ack[3];
int n;
digitalWrite(PwDw, HIGH);
delay(2000); //wait 2000ms to be awake
while (ack[2]!=0xa)
if (dra_serial.available()>0) {
digitalWrite(PwDw, LOW);
return (ack[0]==0x30) ? 1 : 0;