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GIF created with LiceCap.
- User can scroll through current popular photos from Instagram. For each photo, display: Graphic, Caption, Username, Relative timestamp, Like count, User profile image.
- Advanced: Display each user profile image using a RoundedImageView
- Advanced: Show last 2 comments for each photo
- Advanced: Display a nice default placeholder graphic for each image during loading (read more about Picasso)
- Advanced: Display each photo with the same style and proportions as the real Instagram (see screens below)
- Implement View Holder Pattern
- Advanced: Add pull-to-refresh for popular stream with SwipeRefreshLayout
- Advanced: Improve the user interface through styling and coloring
- Customize the Action Bar
- Bonus: Allow user to view all comments for an image within a dialog fragment
Time spent: 12 hours
Libraries: Picasso, android-async-http, RoundedImageView